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Product: Storage Foundation Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Intelligent Storage Provisioning Administrator's Guide   

Preparing Storage Pools for Full-Sized Instant Snapshots

Assuming that you have already set up a data storage pool in a disk group using the procedure given in Creating a Storage Pool, you can create one or more clone storage pools in the same disk group by using the same procedure. You may choose to use different types of disks or templates with a clone storage pool than you set up for the data storage pool.

For example, the following commands set up a data and clone storage pool in the disk group, ttdg, from storage pool definitions:

# vxpool -g ttdg create ttdtpool \

vxpool -g ttdg create ttclpool pooldefinition=mirrored_volumes

The data storage pool, ttdtpool, is configured with templates that support the creation of volumes on mirrored disks that are prefabricated in hardware. The templates that are installed for the clone storage pool, ttclpool, support mirrored volumes that may be created using software. Having set up the storage pools, they can be populated with initialized disks as described in Adding Disks to a Storage Pool.

Several storage pool sets are provided (see Storage Pool Sets) for setting up data and clone storage pools within a disk group. To set up a data and clone storage pool using one of these defined sets, use the following command:

vxpool [-g diskgroup] organize storage_pool_set

For example, to set up a data storage pool that supports mirrored volumes and a clone storage pool that supports striped snapshots in the disk group, mydg, you could use this command:

vxpool -g mydg organize mirrored_data_striped_clones

This command assigns default names for the storage pools. These names are based on the definition names. If required you can rename these storage pools as described in Renaming a Storage Pool.

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Product: Storage Foundation Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Intelligent Storage Provisioning Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation