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Product: Storage Foundation Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Intelligent Storage Provisioning Administrator's Guide   

Preparing a Volume for DRL and Snapshot Operations

To prepare an application volume for dirty region logging (DRL) and instant snapshot operations, a data change object (DCO) and DCO volume must be associated with the volume.

Note   Note    The procedure in this section describes how to add a version 20 DCO and DCO volume to an application volume that you previously created in a disk group with a version number of 110 or greater. If you are creating a new volume in a disk group with a version number of 110 or greater, you can specify the co-creation of a DCO and DCO volume and enable DRL as described in Creating a Volume for Use with Snapshots and DRL.

You may need an additional license to use the DRL and FastResync features.

For information about using traditional DRL with an ISP volume, see Adding Logs to a Volume.

Use the following command to add a version 20 DCO and DCO volume to an existing volume:

# vxvoladm [-g diskgroup] [-p storage_pool] add log volume \
number] logtype=dco [regionsize=size] \

The nlog attribute specifies the number of DCO plexes that are created in the DCO volume. It is recommended that you configure as many DCO plexes as there are data plexes in the volume. For example, specify nlog=3 for a volume with 3 data plexes.

The value of the regionsize attribute specifies the size of the tracked regions in the volume. A write to a region is tracked by setting a bit in the change map. The default value is 64k (64KB). A smaller value requires more disk space for the change maps, but the finer granularity provides faster resynchronization.

To enable DRL logging on the volume, specify drl=yes. If sequential DRL is required, specify drl=sequential.

You can also specify vxvoladm-style storage attributes to define the disks that can and/or cannot be used for the plexes of the DCO volume.

Removing Support for DRL and Snapshots from a Volume

To remove support for DCO-based DRL and instant snapshots from a volume, use the following command to remove the DCO and DCO volume that are associated with the volume:

# vxvoladm [-g diskgroup] [-p storage_pool] removeall log volume \

Note   Note    This command fails if the volume is part of a snapshot hierarchy.
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Product: Storage Foundation Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Intelligent Storage Provisioning Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation