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Product: Storage Foundation Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Cross-Platform Data Sharing Administrator's Guide   

Creating CDS Disk Groups

You can create a CDS disk group (DG) in two ways:

Using vxdg init to Create CDS Disk Groups

To create a CDS disk group, use the vxdg init command:

vxdg init diskgroup disklist 

The format defaults to a CDS disk group unless overridden by the /etc/default/vxdg file.

Alternatively, you can override the default format by specifying the cds attribute:

# vxdg init diskgroup disklist cds=on
Note   Note    The disk group version must be 110 or greater.

See the vxdg(1M) manual page for more information.

Using vxdiskadm to Create CDS Disk Groups

You can create a CDS disk group when using vxdiskadm to initialize a disk. Specify that the disk group should be a CDS disk group when prompted.

Note   Note    You cannot create a CDS disk group using the vxdiskadm command as part of encapsulating, or LVM conversion.

When the vxdiskadm command initializes a disk into an existing CDS disk group, the disk must have format cdsdisk.

The CDS attribute for the disk group remains unchanged (that is, you are not given the option to change it).

Note   Note    When initializing a disk, if the target disk group is an existing CDS disk group, vxdiskadm will only allow the disk to be initialized as a CDS disk. If the target disk group is a non-CDS disk group, the disk can be initialized as either a CDS disk or a non-CDS disk.
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Product: Storage Foundation Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Cross-Platform Data Sharing Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation