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Product: Storage Foundation Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Cross-Platform Data Sharing Administrator's Guide   

Additional Considerations When Importing CDS Disk Groups

Before attempting to use CDS to move disk groups between different operating systems, there are several points that you should consider if the configuration of the disks has changed since the target system was last rebooted:

  • Does the target system know about the disks? For example, the disks may not have been connected to the system either physically (not cabled) or logically (using FC zoning or LUN masking) when the system was booted up, but they have subsequently been connected without rebooting the system. This can happen when bringing new storage on-line, or when adding an additional DMP path to existing storage. On the target system, both the operating system and VxVM must be informed of the existence of the new storage. On Linux, depending on the supported capabilities of the host adapter, you may need to reboot the target system to achieve this. For other operating systems, issue the appropriate command to tell the operating system to look for the storage. Having done this, run either of the following commands on the target system to have VxVM recognize the storage:

  • vxdctl enable
    vxdisk scandisks
  • Do the disks contain partitions or slices? Both Solaris and Linux systems maintain information about partitions or slices on disks. If you repartition a disk after the target system was booted, use the appropriate command to instruct the operating system to rescan the disk's TOC or partition table. For example, on a target Linux system, use the following command:

  • blockdev --rereadpt
    Having done this, run either of the following commands on the target system to have VxVM recognize the storage:

    vxdctl enable
    vxdisk scandisks
  • Has the format of any of the disks changed since the target system was last booted? For example, if you use the vxdisksetup -i command to format a disk for VxVM on one system, the vxdisk list command on the target system may still show the format as being auto:none. If so, use either of the following commands on the target system to instruct VxVM to rescan the format of the disks:

  • vxdctl enable
    vxdisk scandisks

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Product: Storage Foundation Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Cross-Platform Data Sharing Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation