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Product: Storage Foundation Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Cross-Platform Data Sharing Administrator's Guide   

Appendix: Error Codes and Error Recovery

Error Codes and Required Actions

Error Number Message Action


Cannot join a non-CDS disk group and a CDS disk group

Change the non-CDS disk group into a CDS disk group (or vice versa), then retry the join operation.


Disk group is for a different platform

Import the disk group on the correct platform. It cannot be imported on this platform.


Volume has a log which is not CDS compatible

To get a log which is CDS compatible; you need to stop the volume, if currently active, then start the volume. After the volume has been successfully started, retry setting the CDS attribute for the disk group.


License has expired, or is not available for CDS

Obtain a license from VERITAS that enables the usage of CDS disk groups.


Non-CDS disk cannot be placed in a CDS disk group

Do one of the following:

  • Add the disk to another disk group that is a non-CDS disk group.
  • Re-initialize the disk as a CDS disk so that it can be added to the CDS disk group.
  • Change the CDS disk group into a non-CDS disk group and then add the disk.


Disk group alignment not CDS compatible

Change the alignment of the disk group to 8K and then retry setting the CDS attribute for the disk group.


Subdisk length violates disk group alignment

Ensure that sub-disk length value is a multiple of 8K.


Subdisk offset violates disk group alignment

Ensure that sub-disk offset value is a multiple of 8K.


Subdisk plex offset violates disk group alignment

Ensure that sub-disk plex offset value is a multiple of 8K.


Plex stripe width violates disk group alignment

Ensure that plex stripe width value is a multiple of 8K.


Volume or log length violates disk group alignment

Ensure that volume length value is a multiple of 8K.

For volume log length; if you are using vxassist to create the volume, then you should set dgalign_checking to round. This will ensure that the log length is silently rounded to a valid value.


Last disk media offset violates disk group alignment

Reassociate the DM record prior to upgrading.


Too many device nodes in disk group

Increase the number of device nodes allowed in the disk group, if not already at the maximum. Otherwise, you need to remove volumes from the disk group, possibly by splitting the disk group.


Map length too large for current log length

Use a smaller map length for the DRL/DCM log, or increase the log length and retry.


Volume log map alignment violates disk group alignment

Remove the DRL/DCM log, then add it back after changing the alignment of the disk group.


Disk group contains an old-style RVG which cannot be imported on this platform

Import the disk group on the platform that created the RVG. To import the disk group on this platform, first remove the RVG on the creating platform.


Cache object autogrow by max_autogrow violates disk group alignment

Ensure that cache attribute value is a multiple of 8K.


User transactions are disabled for the disk group

Retry the command as it was temporarily disallowed by the vxcdsconvert command executing at the same time.


Disk is in use

Contact VERITAS Technical Support.

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Product: Storage Foundation Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Cross-Platform Data Sharing Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation