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Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Installation Guide   

Configuring VERITAS Enterprise Administrator

You may need to update VERITAS Enterprise Administrator (VEA) so that users other than root can access features.

Adding Users to the VEA Service Console Registry for Oracle

You may want to add users to the VEA server console registry to allow access to the interface to users other than root. You also have the option to give database administrators root privileges.

  To add users other than root to the VERITAS Enterprise Administrator Service console registry

  1. Make sure that the optional GUI package was installed.
      # swlist -l product | grep VRTSorgui
      VRTSorgui        4.1      VERITAS Storage Foundation Graphical User
                    Interface for Oracle
  2. Stop the VEA server.
    /opt/VRTS/bin/vxsvcctrl stop
  3. To give root privileges to the database administrator, use the vxdbedusr command as follows.
    /opt/VRTS/bin/vxdbedusr -a user [-A] [-f] -n user_name


    -a user adds a user to the registry

    -A grants the user root access

    -f allows the user to be a user other than the /opt/VRTSdbed owner.

    -n indicates the name of the user.

    For example, to add a database administrator with the name "oracle" as a user with root privileges, enter the following:

    /opt/VRTS/bin/vxdbedusr -a user -A -f -n oracle
  4. To add a user without root privileges, use the vxdbedusr command as follows.
      # /opt/VRTS/bin/vxdbedusr -a user -n user_name

    where -a adds a user to the registry.

    For example, to add "oracle" as a user, enter the following:

      # /opt/VRTS/bin/vxdbedusr -a user -n oracle
  5. To add a group to the console registry, use the vxdbedusr command as follows:
      # /opt/VRTS/bin/vxdbedusr -a group [-A] [-f] -n group_name


    -a user adds a user group to the registry

    -A grants the user group root access

    -f allows the group access to the GUI.

    For example, to add "dba" as a group, enter the following:

      # /opt/VRTS/bin/vxdbedusr -a group -A -f -n dba
  6. Restart the VEA Server.
    /opt/VRTS/bin/vxsvcctrl start

Removing Users from the VEA Service Console Registry for Oracle

You may need to restrict access to the VEA server console registry. You can remove users or user groups from the registry if they have been previously added.

Note   Note    You cannot remove root from the VEA console registry.

  To remove users other than root from the VERITAS Enterprise Administrator Service console registry

  1. Make sure that the optional GUI package was installed.
      # swlist -l product | grep VRTSorgui
      VRTSorgui        4.1      VERITAS Storage Foundation Graphical User
                    Interface for Oracle
  2. Stop the VEA server.
    /opt/VRTS/bin/vxsvcctrl stop
  3. Use the vxdbedusr command to remove a group or user.
      # /opt/VRTS/bin/vxdbedusr -r <user or group> \
       -n <user_name or group_name>

    where -r removes a user or user group from the registry.

    For example, to remove the user "oracle," enter the following:

      # /opt/VRTS/bin/vxdbedusr -r user -n oracle
  4. Restart the VEA Server.
    /opt/VRTS/bin/vxsvcctrl start

Starting the VEA Server

After installing the VEA packages, the VEA server needs to be stopped and restarted. To check the state of the VEA server, enter:

/opt/VRTS/bin/vxsvcctrl status

To stop the VEA server, enter:

/opt/VRTS/bin/vxsvcctrl stop

You can also stop the VEA server manually by killing the vxsvc process.

Note   Note    The VEA server is automatically started on a reboot.

To start the VEA server, enter:

/opt/VRTS/bin/vxsvcctrl start

Starting the VEA Client

Only users with appropriate privileges can run VEA. VEA can administer the local machine or a remote machine. However, VxVM and the VEA server must be installed on the machine to be administered. The VxVM vxconfigd daemon and the VEA server must be running on the machine to be administered.

After installing VxVM and VEA and starting the server, start the VEA client in one of the following ways.

HP-UX Operating system

To administer the HP-UX machine, use the following command:


Windows Operating System

To administer a remote HP-UX machine from a Windows machine, select Start > Programs > VERITAS > VERITAS Enterprise Administrator.

Modifying Connection Access (optional)

To allow users other than root to access VEA, set up a group called vrtsadm in /etc/group, and add the users to this group. For example, adding the following entry:


will allow the two users, root and ed, to access VEA.

To specify a group other than vrtsadm, you should add the group to /etc/group, modify the Security key and restart the VEA server daemon, as in the following example.

  To modify connection access

  1. Add a new group:
    groupadd -g gid veagrp
  2. Edit /etc/group to add users to the group.
  3. Modify the Security key in the registry:
    /opt/VRTSob/bin/vxregctl /etc/vx/isis/Registry setvalue \
    Software/VERITAS/VxSvc/Current/Version/Security AccessGroups \
    REG_SZ veagrp
  4. Restart the VEA server.
    /opt/VRTS/bin/vxsvcctrl restart
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Product: Storage Foundation Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Installation Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation