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Product: Storage Foundation Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Installation Guide   

Upgrading HP-UX

If you need to upgrade the HP-UX operating system, do so before installing the VERITAS Storage Foundation or VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle software. See the flowchart for the recommended sequence of steps for all VERITAS Storage Foundation products:

Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

Removing the 3.5 VERITAS Software

Before upgrading the OS, you must remove all 3.5-level VERITAS software, except VERITAS Volume Manager.

Removing Patches

Before removing the base 3.5 software, you must remove any VERITAS File System, VERITAS Database Edition for Oracle, or VERITAS Enterprise Administrator patches you may have installed with Update 1, Update 2, or Update 3.

  To remove the VERITAS patches

  1. Log in as superuser.
  2. Stop the VEA service:
    /opt/VRTSob/bin/vxsvcctrl stop
  3. Remove the following file:
    rm -f /var/vx/isis/vxisis.lock
  4. To remove the patches, enter:
    swremove -x autoreboot=true patch_name patch_name \
    patch_name ... 

    For a list of patches, see 3.5 Patches.

  5. After removing the patches, restart the VEA service:
       # /opt/VRTSob/bin/vxsvcctrl start

3.5 Patches

VERITAS Product Patches To Be Removed Availability

VERITAS File System







Update 1

Update 2

Update 2

Update 2

Update 3

Update 3

VERITAS Database Edition







Update 2

Update 2

Update 2

Update 3

Update 3

Update 3

Note    VERITAS Database Edition for Oracle is now VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle.

VERITAS Enterprise Administrator









Update 1

Update 1

Update 2

Update 2

Update 3

Update 3

Update 3

Update 3

Removing Packages

Refer to the appropriate set of steps to either remove VERITAS Database Edition 3.5 for Oracle or VERITAS File System 3.5.

Note   Note    If you have VERITAS Database Edition 3.5 for Oracle installed, the removeDBED script will remove VERITAS File System 3.5. You do not need to remove VERITAS File System separately.

  To remove the VERITAS Database Edition 3.5 for Oracle packages

  1. Shut down VERITAS Volume Manager. Use the vxdctl and vxiod commands as follows:
    vxdctl stop
    vxiod -f set 0
  2. Run the removeDBED script as follows:

  To remove the VERITAS File System 3.5 software

  1. Check /etc/vx/tunefstab and remove any VxFS 3.5 tunable settings.
    Note   Note    Three tunables, hsm_write_prealloc, read_ahead, and write_throttle were added in VxFS 3.5. The JFS/OnLineJFS 3.3 vxtunefs command does not recognize the VxFS 3.5 tunables and will fail if it tries to access them.
  2. To remove all the VERITAS File System packages, enter:
      # swremove -x autoreboot=true VRTSvxfs VRTSfsdoc VRTSvlic
    Caution  Caution    Do not remove the VRTSvlic package if there are any other VERITAS products running on your system.
  3. Manually remove all device file entries for the QuickLog driver:
      # rm -rf /dev/qlog

Installation Notes for the VERITAS 4.1 Software

  • You cannot install the 4.1 VERITAS software on an HP-UX OS other than the September 2004 HP-UX 11i version 2.0 release.
  • When upgrading your OS, you must remove all 3.5 VERITAS software, except for VERITAS Volume Manager.
  • When you install VERITAS Volume Manager 4.1, the installation will overwrite the 3.5 version of the software that came bundled with the OS.
  • When you install VERITAS File System 4.1, the installation will install the 4.1 version of the software in a different location. Both the 3.5- and 4.1-level software can coexist.
  • Other packages, such as the database packages, will install normally.

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Product: Storage Foundation Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Installation Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation