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Product: Storage Foundation Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Enterprise Administrator (VEA 500 Series) Getting Started   

Viewing the Event Log

The event log resides on the server, and records event information, such as alerts raised, about the server. You can display a snapshot of the log information on the client.

After connecting to the host (server), you display the event log of the server by selecting the "Event Log" node under "Logs" in the tree view. The server can have single or multiple event log files, depending upon the policy. If the server has more than one event log file, then a drop down box is displayed from which you select the required log file.

The client gets the latest set of alerts from the log file of the server and displays the event information in the Details View. Up to 25 alerts can be displayed in a set.

Event Log

Event Log

Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

Previous and Next Alert Sets

The Previous and Next set of alerts buttons are situated below the Details View.

You can display the next set of alerts by clicking the "Next set of Alerts" button. The current set of alerts is then replaced with the next set of alerts. If there are no more alerts in the event log, the current set continues to be shown.

You can display the previous set of alerts by clicking the "Previous set of Alerts" button. The current set of alerts is then replaced with the previous set of alerts. When the first set is reached, and there are no more old alerts, the "Previous set of Alerts" button is disabled.

Viewing Alert Details

You can view the details for particular alert by selecting the alert and clicking on "Details." A new window opens up to show the alert details.

Alert Details

Alert Details

Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

Event Log Settings

The settings for the Event Log are accessed by double-clicking on the Event Log Settings icon in the Control Panel view.

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Product: Storage Foundation Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Enterprise Administrator (VEA 500 Series) Getting Started  
VERITAS Software Corporation