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Product: File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



newfs_vxfs - create a new VxFS file system


newfs -F vxfs [ -O disk_type ] [ -R swap ] [ -B ] [ -v ] [ -V ] [ mkfs_options ] special




The newfs command builds a VxFS file system by invoking mkfs . special specifies a character (or raw) file, (for example, /dev/rdsk/c0t6d0 ).


The newfs command reserves a shared volume when invoked. If the shared volume is in use by another command, the newfs command will fail.

Be careful when accessing shared volumes with other utilities, such as dd, that can write data to disk. It is possible to destroy data on other nodes.



Reserve space for boot programs past the end of the file system. If the file /usr/lib/uxbootlf is present on the system, sufficient space to accommodate that file is reserved, otherwise 691 kilobytes are reserved. This option decreases the size of the file system being created and cannot be used if the file system size is also specified using -s (see mkfs-options below). This option cannot be specified if the file system is being created on a volume set.

Note   Note    You can specify the -R and -B options in the same command line. In which case, both the requested swap space and the space needed for boot programs are reserved. These options are used when the file system size is defaulted to the size of the entire disk.

-F vxfs

Specifies the VxFS file system type.

-O " disk_type"

Uses the disk parameters from the disk_type named in /etc/disktab . This option is provided for backward compatibility with previous HP-UX releases. Parameters specified on the command line override the corresponding values in /etc/disktab . Values not specified in the command line and not shown in /etc/disktab are defaulted.

-R " swap"

Reserves swap megabytes of swap space past the end of the file system. This option decreases the size of the file system to be created by the specified number of megabytes. -R cannot be used if the file system size is also specified using -s (see mkfs_options below). This option cannot be specified if the file system is being created on a volume set.


Specifies verbose mode. newfs prints out its actions, including the parameters passed to mkfs .


Validates the command line options, but performs no action. If the options specified are valid, -V echoes the complete command line. If not valid, -V prints an error message. The command line is generated by incorporating specified options and information derived from the /etc/fstab file.


The following command-line options override the default parameters passed to mkfs .

-b " block_size"

File system block size in bytes. The default is 1024 bytes for file system smaller than two terabytes. For Version 5 disk layout file systems larger than two terabytes, the maximum file system size is dependent on the block size. A four terabyte file system requires a 1K block size, an eight terabyte file system requires a 2K block size, a 16 TB file system requires a 4K block size, and a 32 TB file system requires an 8K block size.

-o " largefiles | nolargefiles"

Valid for the Version 4 and Version 5 disk layouts. This option controls the largefiles flag for the file system. If largefiles is specified, the bit is set and files two gigabytes or larger can be created. If nolargefiles is specified, the bit is cleared and files created on the file system are limited to less than two gigabytes. The default is nolargefiles. See mkfs_vxfs(1M), fsadm_vxfs(1M), and mount_vxfs(1M).

-s " size"

File system size in DEV_BSIZE bytes (defined in < sys/param.h >). The default value is the size of the entire disk or disk section, minus the swap or boot space requested. size specifies the number of sectors in the file system. By default, size is specified in units of disk blocks (DEV_BSIZE bytes). However, you can append k , K , m , M , g , G , t , or T to the number to indicate that the value is in kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes, respectively. This option cannot be specified if the file system is being created on a volume set.


To create a VxFS file system on device /dev/rdsk/c1t5d0 and reserve 40 megabytes of swap space:

newfs -F vxfs -R40 /dev/rdsk/c1t5d0 



Disk description file.


Static information about the file systems.


fsadm_vxfs (1M), mkfs (1M), mkfs_vxfs (1M), mount_vxfs (1M), newfs (1M), disktab (4)
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Product: File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation