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Product: File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



fscdsconv - convert the byte order of a file system




fscdsconv [-y|-n] [-r] -f recovery_file special


The fscdsconv utility converts the byte order of the file system specified by special. A file system's metadata is stored in the native byte order of the system on which it was created. To be able to access a file system created on a system with a different byte order, the file system's byte order must first be converted to the native byte order of the system from which it will be accessed.

After starting a conversion and before actually modifying the file system, you will be prompted to confirm the operation. If you choose not to proceed with the operation, the file system will be left unchanged.

The process of converting a file system's byte order can fail for various reasons: system failure, power failure, command failures, user interruption, etc. A temporary file is created by fscdsconv as specified by the -f option so that the file system can be restored to its original condition in the event of a failure. In case of a failure, fscdsconv must be reinvoked with the -r option.

The file system that contains the recovery file must not be a temporary file system that might be cleaned up after a system reboot or whose data integrity is less than the data integrity of the file system being converted. For example, if the file system being converted is on a mirrored volume, then the recovery file should also be on a file system that is capable of tolerating device failures.

The recovery file is not removed when the conversion completes.

See the VERITAS Storage Foundation Cross-Platform Data Sharing Administrator's Guide for more information.


A backup must be created before performing a conversion. The file system to be converted must be unmounted before performing the conversion.

If quotas will be used on the file system, before unmounting it, remove the quotas and quotas.grp files. Unmount the file system, then use fscdsconv to convert the file system. On the system to which the file system is being migrated, mount the file system with quotas turned off. Edit the quotas and quotas.grp files to input the usage limits. Turn on quotas for the file system.


No cluster issues; command operates the same on cluster file systems.


-f recovery_file

Specifies the name of the recovery file. Include the full path when specifying the file name.


Assumes a no response to the prompt by fscdsconv to continue with the conversion.


Indicates that the recovery_file specified by the -f option should not be created, but that the existing file should be used to recover the file system after a previous conversion failed.


Assumes a yes response to the prompt by fscdsconv to continue with the conversion.


The following command converts the byte order of the file system /dev/vx/rdsk/dg1/fs1, and creates the recovery file recovery1 on the file system fs2:

fscdsconv -f /fs2/recovery1 \

The following command recovers the file system /dev/vx/rdsk/dg1/fs1 after a failure, using the recovery file recovery1 located on the file system fs2:

fscdsconv -r -f /fs2/recovery1 \


fscdstask (1M), vxcdsconvert(1M), vxdg(1M)
VERITAS Storage Foundation Cross-Platform Data Sharing Administrator's Guide
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Product: File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation