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Manual: File System 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

VxFS Version 5 Disk Layout

VxFS disk layout Version 5 is similar to Version 4. Structural files in Version 5 are the same in Version 4. However, the Version 5 disk layout supports file systems up to 32 terabytes. For a file system to take advantage of VxFS 32-terabyte support, it must be created on a VERITAS Volume Manager volume, and only on a 64-bit kernel operating system. The maximum file system size on a 32-bit kernel is still one terabyte. Files cannot exceed two terabytes in size. For 64-bit kernels, the maximum size of the file system you can create depends on the block size:

Block Size Maximum File System Size

1024 bytes

4,294,967,039 sectors      (ª 4 TB)

2048 bytes

8,589,934,078 sectors      (ª 8 TB)

4096 bytes

17,179,868,156 sectors    (ª 16 TB)

8192 bytes

34,359,736,312 sectors    (ª 32 TB)

If you specify the file system size when creating a file system, the block size defaults to the appropriate value as shown above (see the mkfs(1M) manual page for more information).

The Version 5 disk layout also supports group quotas (see Quota Files on VxFS). Quota limits cannot exceed one terabyte.

The Version 5 disk layout also supports up to 1024 access control list entries.

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Product: File System Guides  
Manual: File System 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation