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Manual: File System 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Cached Quick I/O For Databases

32-bit applications (such as 32-bit databases) can use a maximum of only 4 GB of memory because of the 32-bit address limitation. The Cached Quick I/O feature improves database performance on machines with sufficient memory by also using the file system cache to store data.

For read operations through the Quick I/O interface, data is cached in the system buffer cache, so subsequent reads of the same data can access this cached copy and avoid doing disk I/O. To maintain the correct data in its buffer for write operations, Cached Quick I/O keeps the buffer cache in sync with the data written to disk.

With 64-bit applications, for which limited memory is not a critical problem, using the file system cache still provides performance benefits by using the read-ahead functionality. Because of the read-ahead functionality, sequential table scans will benefit the most from using Cached Quick I/O by significantly reducing the query response time.

To use this feature, set the qio_cache_enable system parameter with the vxtunefs utility, and use the qioadmin command to turn the per-file cache advisory on or off. See the vxtunefs(1M) and qioadmin(1) man pages for more information.

Enabling Cached Quick I/O

Caching for Quick I/O files can be enabled online when the database is running. You enable caching in two steps:

  1. Set the qio_cache_enable parameter of vxtunefs to enable caching on a file system.
  2. Enable the Cached Quick I/O feature for specific files using the qioadmin command.
    Note   Note    Quick I/O must be enabled on the file system for Cached Quick I/O to operate.

Enabling Cached Quick I/O for File Systems

Caching is initially disabled on a file system. You enable Cached Quick I/O for a file system by setting the qio_cache_enable option of the vxtunefs command after the file system is mounted. For example, to enable Cached Quick I/O for the file system /database01, enter:

 # vxtunefs -s -o qio_cache_enable=1 /database01

where /database01 is a VxFS file system containing the Quick I/O files.

Note   Note    This command enables caching for all the Quick I/O files on this file system.

You can make this setting persistent across mounts by adding a file system entry in the file /etc/vx/tunefstab. For example:

/dev/vx/dsk/datadg/database01 qio_cache_enable=1
/dev/vx/dsk/datadg/database02 qio_cache_enable=1

For information on how to add tuning parameters, see the tunefstab(4) manual page.

Enabling Cached Quick I/O for Individual Files

There are several ways to enable caching for a Quick I/O file. Use the following syntax to enable caching on an individual file:

 $ qioadmin -S filename=on mount_point

To enable caching for the Quick I/O file /database01/names.dbf, type:

 $ qioadmin -S names.dbf=ON /database01

To disable the caching for that file, enter:

 $ qioadmin -S names.dbf=OFF /database01

To make the setting persistent across mounts, create a qiotab file, /etc/vx/qioadmin, to list files and their caching advisories. Based on the following example, the file /database/sell.dbf will have caching turned on whenever the file system /database is mounted:


Note   Note    The cache advisories operate only if Cached Quick I/O is enabled for the file system. If the qio_cache_enable flag is zero, Cached Quick I/O is OFF for all the files in that file system even if the individual file cache advisory for a file is ON.

To check on the current cache advisory settings for a file, enter:

 $ qioadmin -P names.dbf /database01

To check the setting of the qio_cache_enable flag for a file system, enter:

 $ vxtunefs -p /database01
 qio_cache_enable = 1

For more information on the format of the /etc/vx/qioadmin file and the command syntax, see the qioadmin(1) manual page.

Note   Note    Check the setting of the flag qio_cache_enable using the vxtunefs command, and the individual cache advisories for each file, to verify caching.

Tuning Cached Quick I/O

Not all database files can take advantage of caching. Performance may even degrade in some instances (due to double buffering, for example). Determining which files and applications can benefit from Cached Quick I/O requires that you first collect and analyze the caching statistics.

See the qiostat(1) man page for information on gathering statistics, and the VERITAS Editions products documentation for a description of the Cached Quick I/O tuning methodology.

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Product: File System Guides  
Manual: File System 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation