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Product: File System Guides   
Manual: File System 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Features Implemented Using MVS

Features that can be implemented using multi-volume support include the following:

  • Controlling where files are stored can be selected at multiple levels so that specific files or file hierarchies can be assigned to different volumes. This functionality is available in the VERITAS File System Quality of Storage Service (QoSS) feature (see Quality of Storage Service).
  • Placing the VxFS intent log on its own volume to minimize disk head movement and thereby increase performance. This functionality can be used to migrate from the VERITAS QuickLog feature.
  • Separating Storage Checkpoints so that data allocated to a Storage Checkpoint is isolated from the rest of the file system.
  • Separating metadata from file data.
  • Encapsulating volumes so that a volume appears in the file system as a file. This is particularly useful for databases that are running on raw volumes.

To use the multi-volume file system features, the VERITAS Volume Manager must be installed and the Volume Set feature must be accessible.

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Product: File System Guides  
Manual: File System 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation