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Manual: File System 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

File Change Log

Caution  Caution    File Change Log is currently not officially supported, and VERITAS strongly cautions against using it in a production environment. Although FCL is not 100% complete, it is functional and can be used to begin developing new applications. File Change Log will be fully operational in the next VERITAS File System maintenance release.

The VxFS File Change Log (FCL) tracks changes to files and directories in a file system. Applications that can make use of FCL are those that are typically required to scan an entire file system to discover changes since the last scan, such as backup utilities, webcrawlers, search engines, and replication programs.

The FCL records file system changes such as creates, links, unlinks, renaming, data appended, data overwritten, data truncated, extended attribute modifications, holes punched, and miscellaneous file property updates.

Note   Note    FCL records only that data has changed, not the actual data. It is the responsibility of the application to examine the files that have changed data to determine which data has changed.

The FCL feature is not available on file systems created with the nolargefiles option.

FCL functionality is a separately licensable feature. See the VERTIAS Storage Foundation Release Notes for more information.

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Product: File System Guides  
Manual: File System 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation