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Product: File System Guides   
Manual: File System 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

I/O Tuning

Note   Note    The tunables and the techniques described in this section work on a per file system basis. Use them judiciously based on the underlying device properties and characteristics of the applications that use the file system.

Performance of a file system can be enhanced by a suitable choice of I/O sizes and proper alignment of the I/O requests based on the requirements of the underlying special device. VxFS provides tools to tune the file systems.

Tuning VxFS I/O Parameters

VxFS provides a set of tunable I/O parameters that control some of its behavior. These I/O parameters are useful to help the file system adjust to striped or RAID-5 volumes that could yield performance superior to a single disk. Typically, data streaming applications that access large files see the largest benefit from tuning the file system.

The file system queries VxVM to determine the geometry of the underlying volume and automatically sets the I/O parameters. The mount command also queries VxVM when the file system is mounted and downloads the I/O parameters.

If the default parameters are not acceptable or the file system is being used without VxVM, then the /etc/vx/tunefstab file can be used to set values for I/O parameters. The mount command reads the /etc/vx/tunefstab file and downloads any parameters specified for a file system. The tunefstab file overrides any values obtained from VxVM. While the file system is mounted, any I/O parameters can be changed using the vxtunefs command which can have tunables specified on the command line or can read them from the /etc/vx/tunefstab file. For more details, see the vxtunefs(1M) and tunefstab(4) manual pages. The vxtunefs command can be used to print the current values of the I/O parameters:

 # vxtunefs -p mount_point

The following is an example tunefstab file:


Tunable VxFS I/O Parameters


The preferred read request size. The file system uses this in conjunction with the read_nstream value to determine how much data to read ahead. The default value is 64K.


The preferred write request size. The file system uses this in conjunction with the write_nstream value to determine how to do flush behind on writes. The default value is 64K.


The number of parallel read requests of size read_pref_io to have outstanding at one time. The file system uses the product of read_nstream multiplied by read_pref_io to determine its read ahead size. The default value for read_nstream is 1.


The number of parallel write requests of size write_pref_io to have outstanding at one time. The file system uses the product of write_nstream multiplied by write_pref_io to determine when to do flush behind on writes. The default value for write_nstream is 1.


Any file I/O requests larger than the discovered_direct_iosz are handled as discovered direct I/O. A discovered direct I/O is unbuffered similar to direct I/O, but it does not require a synchronous commit of the inode when the file is extended or blocks are allocated. For larger I/O requests, the CPU time for copying the data into the page cache and the cost of using memory to buffer the I/O data becomes more expensive than the cost of doing the disk I/O. For these I/O requests, using discovered direct I/O is more efficient than regular I/O. The default value of this parameter is 256K.


On VxFS, files can have up to ten direct extents of variable size stored in the inode. Once these extents are used up, the file must use indirect extents which are a fixed size that is set when the file first uses indirect extents. These indirect extents are 8K by default. The file system does not use larger indirect extents because it must fail a write and return ENOSPC if there are no extents available that are the indirect extent size. For file systems with many large files, the 8K indirect extent size is too small. The files that get into indirect extents use many smaller extents instead of a few larger ones. By using this parameter, the default indirect extent size can be increased so large that files in indirects use fewer larger extents. The tunable default_indir_size should be used carefully. If it is set too large, then writes will fail when they are unable to allocate extents of the indirect extent size to a file. In general, the fewer and the larger the files on a file system, the larger the default_indir_size can be set. This parameter should generally be set to some multiple of the read_pref_io parameter. default_indir_size is not applicable on Version 4 disk layouts.


Specifies the minimum amount of time, in seconds, that the VxFS file change log (FCL) keeps records in the log. When the oldest 8K block of FCL records have been kept longer than the value of fcl_keeptime, they are purged from the FCL and the extents nearest to the beginning of the FCL file are freed. This process is referred to as "punching a hole." Holes are punched in the FCL file in 8K chunks.

If the fcl_maxalloc parameter is set, records are purged from the FCL if the amount of space allocated to the FCL exceeds fcl_maxalloc, even if the elapsed time the records have been in the log is less than the value of fcl_keeptime. If the file system runs out of space before fcl_keeptime is reached, the FCL is deactivated.

Either or both of the fcl_keeptime or fcl_maxalloc parameters must be set before the file change log can be activated. fcl_keeptime does not apply to disk layout Versions 1 through 5.


Specifies the maximum amount of space that can be allocated to the VxFS file change log (FCL). The FCL file is a sparse file that grows as changes occur in the file system. When the space allocated to the FCL file reaches the fcl_maxalloc value, the oldest FCL records are purged from the FCL and the extents nearest to the beginning of the FCL file are freed. This process is referred to as "punching a hole." Holes are punched in the FCL file in 8K chunks. If the file system runs out of space before fcl_maxalloc is reached, the FCL is deactivated.

Either or both of the fcl_maxalloc or fcl_keeptime parameters must be set before the file change log can be activated. fcl_maxalloc does not apply to disk lay out Versions 1 through 5.


Specifies the time, in seconds, that must elapse before the VxFS file change log (FCL) records a data overwrite, data extending write, or data truncate for a file. The ability to limit the number of repetitive FCL records for continuous writes to the same file is important for file system performance and for applications processing the FCL. fcl_winterval is best set to an interval less than the shortest interval between reads of the FCL by any application. This way all applications using the FCL can be assured of finding at least one FCL record for any file experiencing continuous data changes.

fcl_winterval is enforced for all files in the file system. Each file maintains its own time stamps, and the elapsed time between FCL records is per file. This elapsed time can be overridden using the VxFS FCL sync public API (see the vxfs_fcl_sync(3) manual page). fcl_winterval does not apply to disk layout Versions 1 through 5.


For a file managed by a hierarchical storage management (HSM) application, hsm_write_prealloc preallocates disk blocks before data is migrated back into the file system. An HSM application usually migrates the data back through a series of writes to the file, each of which allocates a few blocks. By setting hsm_write_prealloc (hsm_write_prealloc=1), a sufficient number of disk blocks are allocated on the first write to the empty file so that no disk block allocation is required for subsequent writes. This improves the write performance during migration.

The hsm_write_prealloc parameter is implemented outside of the DMAPI specification, and its usage has limitations depending on how the space within an HSM-controlled file is managed. It is advisable to use hsm_write_prealloc only when recommended by the HSM application controlling the file system.


Changes the default initial extent size. VxFS determines, based on the first write to a new file, the size of the first extent to be allocated to the file. Normally the first extent is the smallest power of 2 that is larger than the size of the first write. If that power of 2 is less than 8K, the first extent allocated is 8K. After the initial extent, the file system increases the size of subsequent extents (see max_seqio_extent_size) with each allocation. Since most applications write to files using a buffer size of 8K or less, the increasing extents start doubling from a small initial extent. initial_extent_size can change the default initial extent size to be larger, so the doubling policy will start from a much larger initial size and the file system will not allocate a set of small extents at the start of file. Use this parameter only on file systems that will have a very large average file size. On these file systems it will result in fewer extents per file and less fragmentation. initial_extent_size is measured in file system blocks.


The maximum buffer size allocated for file data; either 8K bytes or 64K bytes. Use the larger value for workloads where large reads/writes are performed sequentially. Use the smaller value on workloads where the I/O is random or is done in small chunks. 8K bytes is the default value.


Specifies the maximum number of inodes to place on an inode aging list. Inode aging is used in conjunction with file system Storage Checkpoints to allow quick restoration of large, recently deleted files. The aging list is maintained in first-in-first-out (fifo) order up to maximum number of inodes specified by inode_aging_count. As newer inodes are placed on the list, older inodes are removed to complete their aging process. For best performance, it is advisable to age only a limited number of larger files before completion of the removal process. The default maximum number of inodes to age is 2048.


Specifies the minimum size to qualify a deleted inode for inode aging. Inode aging is used in conjunction with file system Storage Checkpoints to allow quick restoration of large, recently deleted files. For best performance, it is advisable to age only a limited number of larger files before completion of the removal process. Setting the size too low can push larger file inodes out of the aging queue to make room for newly removed smaller file inodes.


The maximum size of a direct I/O request that will be issued by the file system. If a larger I/O request comes in, then it is broken up into max_direct_iosz chunks. This parameter defines how much memory an I/O request can lock at once, so it should not be set to more than 20 percent of memory.


Limits the maximum disk queue generated by a single file. When the file system is flushing data for a file and the number of buffers being flushed exceeds max_diskq, processes will block until the amount of data being flushed decreases. Although this doesn't limit the actual disk queue, it prevents flushing processes from making the system unresponsive. The default value is 1 MB.


Increases or decreases the maximum size of an extent. When the file system is following its default allocation policy for sequential writes to a file, it allocates an initial extent which is large enough for the first write to the file. When additional extents are allocated, they are progressively larger (the algorithm tries to double the size of the file with each new extent) so each extent can hold several writes worth of data. This is done to reduce the total number of extents in anticipation of continued sequential writes. When the file stops being written, any unused space is freed for other files to use. Normally this allocation stops increasing the size of extents at 2048 blocks which prevents one file from holding too much unused space. max_seqio_extent_size is measured in file system blocks.


Enables or disables caching on Quick I/O files. The default behavior is to disable caching. To enable caching, set qio_cache_enable to 1. On systems with large memories, the database cannot always use all of the memory as a cache. By enabling file system caching as a second level cache, performance may be improved. If the database is performing sequential scans of tables, the scans may run faster by enabling file system caching so the file system will perform aggressive read-ahead on the files.


The default for all VxFS read operations is to perform sequential read ahead. You can specify the read_ahead cache advisory to implement the VxFS enhanced read ahead functionality. This allows read aheads to detect more elaborate patterns (such as increasing or decreasing read offsets or multithreaded file accesses) in addition to simple sequential reads. You can specify the following values for read_ahead:

0---Disables read ahead functionality
1---Retains traditional sequential read ahead behavior
2---Enables enhanced read ahead for all reads

The default is 1---VxFS detects only sequential patterns.

read_ahead detects patterns on a per-thread basis, up to a maximum determined by vx_era_nthreads parameter. The default number of threads is 5, but you can change the default value by setting the vx_era_nthreads parameter in the /etc/system configuration file.


The write_throttle parameter is useful in special situations where a computer system has a combination of a large amount of memory and slow storage devices. In this configuration, sync operations (such as fsync()) may take long enough to complete that a system appears to hang. This behavior occurs because the file system is creating dirty buffers (in-memory updates) faster than they can be asynchronously flushed to disk without slowing system performance.

Lowering the value of write_throttle limits the number of dirty buffers per file that a file system will generate before flushing the buffers to disk. After the number of dirty buffers for a file reaches the write_throttle threshold, the file system starts flushing buffers to disk even if free memory is still available.

The default value of write_throttle is zero, which puts no limit on the number of dirty buffers per file. If non-zero, VxFS limits the number of dirty buffers per file to write_throttle buffers.

The default value typically generates a large number of dirty buffers, but maintains fast user writes. Depending on the speed of the storage device, if you lower write_throttle, user write performance may suffer, but the number of dirty buffers is limited, so sync operations will complete much faster.

Because lowering write_throttle may in some cases delay write requests (for example, lowering write_throttle may increase the file disk queue to the max_diskq value, delaying user writes until the disk queue decreases), it is advisable not to change the value of write_throttle unless your system has a combination of large physical memory and slow storage devices.

If the file system is being used with VxVM, it is advisable to let the VxFS I/O parameters get set to default values based on the volume geometry.

If the file system is being used with a hardware disk array or volume manager other than VxVM, try to align the parameters to match the geometry of the logical disk. With striping or RAID-5, it is common to set read_pref_io to the stripe unit size and read_nstream to the number of columns in the stripe. For striped arrays, use the same values for write_pref_io and write_nstream, but for RAID-5 arrays, set write_pref_io to the full stripe size and write_nstream to 1.

For an application to do efficient disk I/O, it should issue read requests that are equal to the product of read_nstream multiplied by read_pref_io. Generally, any multiple or factor of read_nstream multiplied by read_pref_io should be a good size for performance. For writing, the same rule of thumb applies to the write_pref_io and write_nstream parameters. When tuning a file system, the best thing to do is try out the tuning parameters under a real life workload.

If an application is doing sequential I/O to large files, it should try to issue requests larger than the discovered_direct_iosz. This causes the I/O requests to be performed as discovered direct I/O requests, which are unbuffered like direct I/O but do not require synchronous inode updates when extending the file. If the file is larger than can fit in the cache, using unbuffered I/O avoids removing useful data out of the cache and lessens CPU overhead.

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Product: File System Guides  
Manual: File System 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation