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Product: File System Guides   
Manual: File System 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

File System Performance Enhancements

Traditional file systems employ block-based allocation schemes that provide adequate random access and latency for small files, but which limit throughput for larger files. As a result, they are less than optimal for commercial environments.

VxFS addresses this file system performance issue through an alternative allocation method and increased user control over allocation, I/O, and caching policies. An overview of the VxFS allocation policy is provided in the section Extent-Based Allocation.

VxFS provides the following performance enhancements:

  • Extent-based allocation
  • Enhanced mount options
  • Data synchronous I/O
  • Direct I/O and discovered direct I/O
  • Caching advisories
  • Enhanced directory features
  • Explicit file alignment, extent size, and preallocation controls
  • Tunable I/O parameters
  • Tunable indirect data extent size
  • Integration with VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM®)
  • Support for improved database performance

The rest of this chapter, as well as VxFS Performance: Creating, Mounting, and Tuning File Systems and Application Interface provide details on many of these features.

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Product: File System Guides  
Manual: File System 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation