Product: Cluster Server Enterprise Agents Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Enterprise Agent for Informix Installation and Configuration Guide   

Appendix: Sample Configuration File

After the agent is installed, the sample configuration file can be found in the file: /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/sample_Informix/

include ""
include ""

cluster vcs (

system sysa 
system sysb 

group informix (
     SystemList = { sysa, sysb }
     AutoStartList = { sysa }
     AutoStart = 0
     Parallel = 0

     IP informix_IP (
          Device = lan0
          Address = ""
          NetMask = ""
          Options = ""

     NIC informix_lan0 (
          Device = lan0
          NetworkType = ether
          NetworkHosts = { "", "" }
     Informix INF (
          Server = learn_online
          Home = "/opt/Informix"
          Configfile = "onconfig.learn"
          Version = "7.3"
          MonScript = "./bin/Informix/"
     LVMLogicalVolume informixvg_informixvol (
          LogicalVolume = informixvol
          VolumeGroup = informixvg

     LVMVolumeGroup informixvg (
          VolumeGroup = informixvg

     Mount informix_mount (
          MountPoint = "/opt/Informix"
          BlockDevice = "/dev/informixvg/informixvol"
          FSType = vxfs
          FsckOpt = "-y"

     LVMLogicalVolume infodatavg_infodatavol (
          LogicalVolume = infodatavol
          VolumeGroup = infodatavg

     LVMVolumeGroup infodatavg (
          VolumeGroup = infodatavg

     Mount infodata_mount (
          MountPoint = "/informix/Infodata"
          BlockDevice = "/dev/infodatavg/infodatavol"
          FSType = vxfs
          FsckOpt = "-y"

     INF requires informix_mount
     INF requires infodata_mount
     INF requires informix_IP
     informix_IP requires informix_lan0
     informix_mount requires informixvg_informixvol
     infodata_mount requires infodatavg_infodatavol
     informixvg_informixvol requires informixvg
     infodatavg_infodatavol requires infodatavg

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Product: Cluster Server Enterprise Agents Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Enterprise Agent for Informix Installation and Configuration Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation