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Product: Cluster Server Enterprise Agents Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Enterprise Agent for Sybase Installation and Configuration Guide   

Setting Up Detail Monitoring for Sybase Agent

The VCS enterprise agent for Sybase provides two levels of application monitoring: basic and detail. In basic monitoring, Sybase resource monitors the Sybase daemon processes to verify that they are continuously active.

In detail monitoring, the Sybase resource performs transactions on a test table in the database to ensure that the Sybase server is functioning properly. The agent uses the script defined in the attribute MonScript of the Sybase resource. During detail monitoring, the agent tries to execute the specified script. If the script successfully executes, the agent considers the database available. You can customize the default script according to your configurations.

To activate detail monitoring, the DetailMonitor attribute must be set to "1" and User, UPword, Db, and Table must not be empty (""). The attribute MonScript, which contains the path of the detail monitor script, must also exist and have execute permissions for the root.

Enabling Detail Monitoring

  1. Make sure Sybase server is configured for detail monitoring. See Configuring Sybase for Detail Monitoring for instructions.
  2. Make the VCS configuration writable:
     # haconf -makerw
  3. Freeze the service group to avoid automated actions by VCS caused by incomplete reconfiguration:
     # hagrp -freeze <service_group>
  4. Enable detail monitoring for Sybase:
    hares -modify <Sybase_resource>  DetailMonitor 1
    hares -modify <Sybase_resource>  User <user>
     # hares -modify <Sybase_resource>  UPword <password>
     # hares -modify <Sybase_resource>  Db <database_name>
     # hares -modify <Sybase_resource>  Table <table_name>
     # hares -modify <Sybase_resource>  MonScript
  5. Unfreeze and save the configuration:
     # hagrp -unfreeze <service_group>
     # haconf -dump [-makero]

Disabling Detail Monitoring

  1. Make the VCS configuration writable:
     # haconf -makerw
  2. Freeze the service group to avoid automated actions by VCS caused by incomplete reconfiguration:
     # hagrp -freeze <service_group>
  3. Disable detail monitoring for Sybase:
    hares -modify <Sybase_resource>  DetailMonitor 0
  4. Unfreeze and save the configuration:
     # hagrp -unfreeze <service_group>
     # haconf -dump [-makero]
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Product: Cluster Server Enterprise Agents Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Enterprise Agent for Sybase Installation and Configuration Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation