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Product: Cluster Server Enterprise Agents Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Enterprise Agent for Sybase Installation and Configuration Guide   

Installing the Agent

Install the Sybase enterprise agent on each node in the cluster.

  To install the agent

  1. Insert the software disk in a disk drive connected to the system.
  2. Log in as root.
  3. Set the display permission on your workstation:
    xhost +myws
  4. Configure the shell environment variable DISPLAY on your workstation. For example, if your workstation has the name "myws." type:

      For Bourne or Korn shell (sh or ksh):

          # DISPLAY=myws:0.0
          # export DISPLAY

      For C shell (csh or tcsh):

          # setenv DISPLAY=myws:0.0

      Setting the DISPLAY environment variable this way enables you to use the SD-UX graphical interface.

  5. Create a mount point directory, /cdrom, if it does not exist. The directory must have read-write permissions.
  6. Determine the block device file for the disk drive. The device file should have the form /dev/dsk/C#t#d#. Type:
    ioscan -fnC disk
  7. Run the following commands to start PFS (Portable File System):
    # nohup pfs_mountd &
    # nohup pfsd &
  8. Mount the CD. For example, to mount the CD to the mount point /cdrom, type:
    # /usr/sbin/pfs_mount -t rrip /dev/dsk/clt2d0 /cdrom

    where /dev/dsk/clt2d0 is the drive's block device file.

  9. Type the following command to install the agent:
    # swinstall -s /cdrom/sybase_agent/pkgs VRTSvcssy
    Note   Note    Repeat step 1 through step 9 on all nodes that will become part of the Sybase service group.
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Product: Cluster Server Enterprise Agents Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Enterprise Agent for Sybase Installation and Configuration Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation