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Product: Cluster Server Enterprise Agents Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Enterprise Agent for Sybase Installation and Configuration Guide   


Convention Usage Example


Used for path names, commands, output, directory and file names, functions, and parameters.

Read tunables from the /etc/vx/tunefstab file.

See the ls(1) manual page for more information.


Indicates user input.

# ls pubs


Identifies book titles, new terms, emphasized text, and variables replaced with a name or value.

See the User's Guide for details.

The variable system_name indicates the system on which to enter the command.


Depicts GUI objects, such as fields, list boxes, menu selections, etc. Also depicts GUI commands.

Enter your password in the Password field.

Press Return.

blue text

Indicates hypertext links.

See Getting Help.


Unix superuser prompt (all shells).

# cp /pubs/4.1/user_book /release_mgnt/4.1/archive

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Product: Cluster Server Enterprise Agents Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Enterprise Agent for Sybase Installation and Configuration Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation