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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Bundled Agents Reference Guide   

Sample Configuration

In this example, the volumes /dev/vg01/hb_vol1, /dev/vg01/hb_vol2, and /dev/vg01/hb_vol3 have service group heartbeat regions beginning at block 64 for service group groupz. The device /dev/vg01/hb_vol1 has a second heartbeat region beginning at block 192 for service group groupy.

The AllOrNone attribute is set to 0 for sghb1, specifying that the service group can come online with ownership of two disks.

system sysa
system sysb
group groupz (

        ServiceGroupHB sghb1 (
                 Disks = { /dev/vg01/hb_vol1, 64, /dev/vg01/hb_vol2, 64,
                             /dev/vg01/hb_vol3, 64 }
                AllorNone = 0

        Mount exp1
                MountPoint = "/soup"
                BlockDevice = "/dev/vg01/vol4"
                FSType = ufs
                MountOpt = rw

group groupy (
        ServiceGroupHB sghb2 (
                Disks = { /dev/ vg01/hb_vol1, 192 }

        Mount exp2
                MountPoint = "/nuts"
                BlockDevice = "/dev/vg01/lvol5"
                FSType = ufs
                MountOpt = rw

exp1 requires sghb1
exp2 requires sghb2

// resource dependency tree
//      group groupz
//      {
//      Mount exp1
//              {
//              ServiceGroupHB sghb1
//              }
//      }
//      group groupy
//      {
//      Mount exp2
//              {
//              ServiceGroupHB sghb1
//              }
//      }
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Bundled Agents Reference Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation