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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Bundled Agents Reference Guide   

Phantom Agent

Enables VCS to determine the status of parallel service groups that do not include OnOff resources (resources that VCS can start and stop as required). Without the dummy resource provided by this agent, VCS cannot assess the status of groups that only contain None (Persistent) and OnOnly resources because the state of these resources is not considered in the process of determining whether a group is online. Refer to the VERITAS Cluster Server User's Guide for information on categories of service groups and resources.

Entry Point

Monitor---Determines status based on the status of the service group.

Type Definition

type Phantom (
        static str ArgList[] = { Dummy }
        str Dummy
Note   Note    The Dummy attribute is for VCS use only and is not configurable.

Sample Configurations

Sample 1

 Phantom (

Sample 2

The following example shows a complete configuration file (, in which the FileNone resource and the Phantom resource are in the same group.

 include ""

 cluster PhantomCluster

 system sysa

 system sysb

 group phantomgroup (
  SystemList = { sysa, sysb }
  AutoStartList = { sysa }
  Parallel = 1

  FileNone my_file_none (PathName = "/tmp/file_none"
  Phantom my_phantom (

  // resource dependency tree
  //      group maingroup
  //      {
  //      Phantom my_Phantom
  //      FileNone my_file_none
  //      }
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Bundled Agents Reference Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation