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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Deleting Ports

  From the command line

Run the following command on the system where VRTSweb is installed:

 # $VRTSWEB_HOME/bin/webgui delport <portno> [bind_ip_address]
The variable portno represents the port number to be deleted. If the port was bound to a particular IP address, use the bind_ip_address option.
You must ensure that at least one port remains configured for the Web server.
For example:

  # /opt/VRTSweb/bin/webgui delport 443
  # /opt/VRTSweb/bin/webgui delport 80

  From the Web console

  1. Access the Web server using an existing port number; for example, http://hostname:8181/.
  2. Click the Configuration tab.
  3. Click Delete Port on the left side of the Configuration page.
  4. In the Delete Port dialog box:

    Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

    1. Enter the port number to be deleted. You cannot delete the port being used to access the Web page.
    2. If the port was bound to a particular IP address, enter the IP address.
    3. Enter the name and password for a user having superuser (administrative) privileges on Web server system.
    4. Click OK.

Changing the Administrative Port

You can change the administrative port for VRTSweb only from the command line.

  1. Stop the Web server:
      # $VRTSWEB_HOME/bin/webgui stop force
  2. Set the administrative port to a new value:
      # $VRTSWEB_HOME/bin/webgui adminport new_port_no
  3. Restart the Web server:
      # $VRTSWEB_HOME/bin/webgui restart
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation