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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Reviewing the Installation

VCS Simulator installs Cluster Manager (Java Console) and Simulator binaries on the system. The Simulator installation creates the following directories:

Directory Contents


Information about attributes associated with VCS objects.


VCS Simulator binaries.


Files for the default cluster configuration.


A sample cluster configuration, which serves as a template for each new cluster configuration.


Various templates used by the Java Console.


The files for all supported platforms.

Additionally, VCS Simulator installs directories for various cluster configurations.

VCS Simulator creates a directory for every new simulated cluster and copies the contents of the sample_clus directory. Simulator also creates a logs directory within each cluster directory for logs associated with the cluster.

Simulator Ports

VCS Simulator uses the following ports:

  • Ports 15550 through 15558 to connect to the various cluster configurations.
  • Ports 15560 through 15563 for the wide area connector (WAC) process.
  • Set the WAC port to -1 to disable WAC simulation.

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation