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Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Troubleshooting Cluster Manager (Web Console)

Occasionally you may encounter problems when using Cluster Manager (Web Console). This section cites the most common problems and the recommended actions. Bold text provides a description of the problem, and in some cases actual error messages.

  Unable to log on.

Recommended Action: Verify the user name exists and that the password is correct for the user name. Then verify your browser is Java, Javascript, and cookies enabled.

  Unable to view Cluster Manager on a browser using the Virtual IP/port number in URL (http://[virtual_ip:port_number]/vcs).

Recommended Action: Verify that the ClusterService service group, which has the IP and VRTSWebApp resources configured on it, is not offline or faulted on any node. If it is, use the command line to bring the group back online on at least one node.

  Unable to view Cluster Manager on a browser using the HostName/port_number in URL (http://[host_name:port_number]/vcs.

Recommended Action: Verify that the host is running and that the ClusterService group is online on the host. If the host is down, access Cluster Manager (Web Console) using the URL http://virtual_IP:port_number/vcs. The cause of the failover should be apparent on Cluster Manager. Use Cluster Manager to administer nodes that are up and running in cluster.

  Unable to bring the VCSweb resource online in the ClusterService group.

You cannot access the Web Console unless the VCSweb resource in the ClusterService group is online. The Web Console runs inside the VERITAS Web server (VRTSweb). VCSweb may fail to come online if the Web server cannot start because of one of the following reasons:

    Checkmark  Missing OS patches related to Java Runtime Environment 1.3 (JRE): VRTSweb uses JRE 1.3 which requires the installation of several HP-UX patches to function properly. You can find information about these patches and instructions for downloading them at

    Recommended Action: Apply the patches and try to bring the VCSweb resource online again.

    Checkmark  Web server port unavailable: By default, the Web server binds itself to ports 8181, 8443, and 14300. If these ports are being used by another application, the Web server will fail to start.

    To determine if this is the reason, review the last few lines of the log file /var/VRTSweb/log/_start0.0.log. If the output resembles the example below, the Web server port is already taken by another application:

       5/28/03 8:13:35 PM PDT VRTSWEB INFO V-12-1-1041 Exception 
       LifecycleException: Protocol handler initialization failed: Address already in use: JVM_Bind:8181
       at   org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector.initialize
       at org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded.start(
       at vrts.tomcat.server.VRTSweb.initServer(
       at vrts.tomcat.server.VRTSweb.commandStartServer
       at vrts.tomcat.server.command.start.StartCommand.execute
       at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
       at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
       at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
       at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
       at vrts.tomcat.bootstrap.Main.main(
    Recommended Action: If you cannot make this port available for VRTSweb, see Configuring Ports for VRTSweb for instructions on how to change the value of the Web server port.

    Checkmark  Web server IP address unavailable: By default, the Web server binds itself to all IP addresses on the machine for the default ports 8181 and 8443. If you configure a specific IP address for the port, verify this IP address is available on the machine before the Web server starts. The Web server will fail to start if this IP address is not present on the machine.

    To determine if this is the reason, review the last few lines of the two log files /var/VRTSweb/log/_start0.0.log and /var/VRTSweb/log/_command0.0.log. If the output resembles the example below, the IP address is not available:

       5/28/03 8:20:16 PM PDT VRTSWEB INFO V-12-1-1041 Exception 
       LifecycleException: Protocol handler initialization failed: Cannot assign requested address:   

       at org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector.initialize
       at org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded.start(
       at vrts.tomcat.server.VRTSweb.initServer(
       at vrts.tomcat.server.VRTSweb.commandStartServer
       at vrts.tomcat.server.command.start.StartCommand.execute
       at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
       at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
       at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
       at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
       at vrts.tomcat.bootstrap.Main.main(
       LifecycleException: Protocol handler initialization failed: Cannot assign requested address:    
       at org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector.initialize
       at org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded.start(
       at vrts.tomcat.server.VRTSweb.initServer(
       at vrts.tomcat.server.VRTSweb.commandStartServer
       at vrts.tomcat.server.command.start.StartCommand.execute
       at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
       at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
       at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
       at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
       at vrts.tomcat.bootstrap.Main.main(
    Recommended Action: Make this IP address available on the machine and try to bring the VCSweb resource online again.

  After reconfiguring virtual IP address, cannot access the Web Console using the new IP address.

Recommended Action: If ClusterService service group is online, changes in resource attributes do not take effect until you take the service group offline and bring it online. Therefore, you cannot access the Web Console using the new IP address, but you can from the previous address. To reconfigure the virtual IP address:
  1. Take offline the VCSweb and webip resources.
  2. Change the address attribute of the webip resource.
  3. Bring online the VCSweb and webip resources.

  Flashing colors appear on Netscape while switching between Cluster Manager and other open windows.

Recommended Action: If there are flashes of color while viewing Cluster Manager on Netscape Navigator 4.7 or later, it is mostly likely a color-mapping issue. Set the display to 256 colors or a higher on the host machine where the GUI is being viewed to ensure best color and clarity.

  "Error 500 - NullPointerException" appears in the browser.

This error may occur when logging on to the Web Console or configuring myVCS on the console.
Recommended Action: Verify that the CmdServer process is running on the cluster systems using the ps -ef | grep CmdServer command. If CmdServer is not running, start it by typing /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/CmdServer from the command line. You can then proceed with logging on to Cluster Manager or configuring myVCS.

  "The object type specified is invalid. It should be one of cluster, group, type, resource, or system."

Recommended Action: This error (#W10002) occurs if the page URL points to a VCS object that does not exist or was deleted. If you typed the URL, verify the URL is correct. Names of VCS objects are case-sensitive: the object name in the URL must be entered in the correct case. If you clicked a link and got this error, refresh the page and retry. If you are still unsuccessful, contact VERITAS Technical Support.

  "The specified group does not exist or has been deleted."

Recommended Action: This error (#W10003) indicates the service group whose information you tried to access does not exist, or was deleted. If you typed the URL, verify the URL is correct. If you clicked a link to get information about the service group, verify the service group exists. Refresh the display to get current information.

  "The specified system does not exist or has been deleted."

Recommended Action: This error (#W10004) indicates the system whose information you tried to access does not exist, or was deleted. If you typed the URL, verify the URL is correct. If you clicked a link to get information about the system, verify the system exists. Refresh the display to get current information.

  "The specified resource type does not exist or has been deleted."

Recommended Action: This error (#W10005) indicates the resource type whose information you tried to access does not exist, or was deleted. If you typed the URL, verify the URL is correct. If you clicked a link to get information about the resource type, verify the resource type exists. Refresh the display to get current information.

  "The specified resource does not exist or has been deleted."

Recommended Action: This error (#W10007) indicates the resource whose information you tried to access does not exist, or was deleted. If you typed the URL, verify the URL is correct. If you clicked a link to get information about the resource type, verify the resource exists. Refresh the display to get current information.

  "Retrieving data from the VCS engine. Please try after some time."

Recommended Action: This error (#R10001) indicates a "snapshot" of the VCS engine, HAD, is being taken. Wait a few moments then retry the operation.

  "Could not log on to the VCS engine."

Recommended Action: This error (#R10002) indicates Cluster Manger (Web Console) could not connect to the VCS engine. Wait a few moments then retry the operation.

  "Cannot monitor VCS QuickStart."

Recommended Action: This error ( R10005) indicates you tried to connect to a cluster configured by VCS QuickStart. Cluster Manager (Web Console) cannot connect to VCS QuickStart. Use the VCS QuickStart Web graphical user interface instead.

  "The user could not be authenticated at this time. This could be because a snapshot of the VCS Server is being taken currently."

Recommended Action: This error (#H10001) indicates a snapshot of the VCS engine is being taken. Wait a few moments then retry the operation.

  "The URL you specified can be accessed only if you are logged on."

Recommended Action: This error (#G10001) indicates you tried to access a page that requires authentication. Log on to VCS and retry the operation.
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation