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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Detecting Resource Failure

The time it takes to detect a resource fault or failure depends on the MonitorInterval attribute for the resource type. When a resource faults, the next monitor detects it. The agent may not declare the resource as faulted if the ToleranceLimit attribute is set to non-zero. If the monitor entry point reports offline more often than the number set in ToleranceLimit, the resource is declared faulted. However, if the resource remains online for the interval designated in the ConfInterval attribute, previous reports of offline are not counted against ToleranceLimit.

When the agent determines that the resource is faulted, it calls the clean entry point (if implemented) to verify that the resource is completely offline. The monitor following clean verifies the offline. The agent then tries to restart the resource according to the number set in the RestartLimit attribute (if the value of the attribute is non-zero) before it gives up and informs HAD that the resource is faulted. However, if the resource remains online for the interval designated in ConfInterval, earlier attempts to restart are not counted against RestartLimit.

In most cases, ToleranceLimit is 0. The time it takes to detect a resource failure is the time it takes the agent monitor to detect failure, plus the time to clean up the resource if the clean entry point is implemented. Therefore, the time it takes to detect failure depends on the MonitorInterval, the efficiency of the monitor and clean (if implemented) entry points, and the ToleranceLimit (if set).

In some cases, the failed resource may hang and may also cause the monitor to hang. For example, if the database server is hung and the monitor tries to query, the monitor will also hang. If the monitor entry point is hung, the agent eventually kills the thread running the entry point. By default, the agent times out the monitor entry point after 60 seconds. This can be adjusted by changing the MonitorTimeout attribute. The agent retries monitor after the MonitorInterval. If the monitor entry point times out consecutively for the number of times designated in the attribute FaultOnMonitorTimeouts, the agent treats the resource as faulted. The agent calls clean, if implemented. The default value of FaultOnMonitorTimeouts is 4, and can be changed according to the type. A high value of this parameter delays detection of a fault if the resource is hung. If the resource is hung and causes the monitor entry point to hang, the time to detect it depends on MonitorTimeout, FaultOnMonitorTimeouts, and the efficiency of monitor and clean (if implemented).

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation