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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Querying Resources

  To display resource attribute values across clusters

hares -value resource attribute [system] [-clus cluster |
The option -clus displays the attribute value on the cluster designated by the variable cluster; the option -localclus specifies the local cluster.
If the attribute has local scope, you must specify the system name, except when querying the attribute on the system from which you run the command.

  To display the state of a resource across clusters

hares -state [resource -sys system] [-clus cluster | -localclus]
The option -clus displays the state of all resources on the specified cluster; the option -localclus specifies the local cluster. Specifying a system displays resource state on a particular system.

  To display resource information across clusters

hares -display [resources] [-attribute attributes] [-group 
   service_groups]   [-type types] [-sys systems] [-clus cluster | 
The option -clus lists all service groups on the cluster designated by the variable cluster; the option -localclus specifies the local cluster.

  For a list of resources across clusters

hares -list [conditionals] [-clus cluster | -localclus]
The option -clus lists all resources that meet the specified conditions in global service groups on a cluster as designated by the variable cluster.

  To display usage for the resource command

hares -help [-modify | -list]
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation