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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Trap Variables in VCS MIB

This section describes trap variables in VCS MIB. Traps sent by VCS are reversible to SNMPv2 after an SNMPv2 -> SNMPv1 conversion.

For reversible translations between SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 trap PDUs, the second-last ID of the SNMP trap OID must be zero. This ensures that once you make a forward translation (SNMPv2 trap -> SNMPv1; RFC 2576 Section 3.2), the reverse translation (SNMPv1 trap --> SNMPv2 trap; RFC 2576 Section 3.1) is accurate.

In earlier versions of VCS, this ID was not zero. The VCS notifier follows this guideline by using OIDs with second-last ID as zero, enabling reversible translations.


This variable indicates the severity of the trap being sent. It can take the following values:

Severity Level and Description Value in Trap PDU


Important events exhibiting normal behavior



Deviation from normal behavior



A fault


Severe Error

Critical error that can lead to data loss or corruption


entityType and entitySubType

These variables specify additional information about the entity.

Entity Type Entity Sub-type


String. For example, disk.


The type of the group:

  • Failover
  • Parallel


String. For example, Solaris 2.8.


The type of the heartbeat.





Agent name

Agent name


This variable describes the state of the entity:

Resources States

  • Resource state is unknown
  • Resource monitoring has timed out
  • Resource is not going offline
  • Resource is being restarted by agent
  • Resource went online by itself
  • Resource has faulted
  • Resource is in admin wait state
  • Resource monitor time has changed

Service Group States

  • Service group is online
  • Service group is offline
  • Service group is auto disabled
  • Service group has faulted
  • Service group has faulted and cannot be failed over anywhere
  • Service group is restarting
  • Service group is being switched
  • Service group concurrency violation
  • Service group is restarting in response to persistent resource going online
  • Service group attribute value does not match corresponding remote group attribute value
  • Global group concurrency violation

System States

  • VCS is up on the first node in the Cluster
  • VCS is being restarted by hashadow
  • VCS is in jeopardy
  • VCS has faulted
  • A node running VCS has joined cluster
  • VCS has exited manually
  • CPU Usage exceeded the threshold on the system

GCO Heartbeat states

  • Cluster has lost heartbeat with remote cluster
  • Heartbeat with remote cluster is alive

VCS States

  • User has logged into VCS
  • Cluster has faulted
  • Cluster is in RUNNING state

Agent States

  • Agent is restarting
  • Agent has faulted

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation