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Notification Components

This section describes the notifier process and the hanotify utility.

The Notifier Process

The notifier process configures how messages are received from VCS and how they are delivered to SNMP consoles and SMTP servers. Using notifier, you can specify notification based on the severity level of the events generating the messages. You can also specify the size of the VCS message queue, which is 30 by default. You can change this value by modifying the MessageQueue attribute. See the VCS Bundled Agents Reference Guide for more information about this attribute.

When started from the command line, notifier is a process that VCS does not control. For best results, use the NotifierMngr agent bundled with VCS to configure notifier as part of a highly available service group, which can then be monitored, brought online, and taken offline. For information on how to configure NotifierMngr, see the VERITAS Cluster Server Bundled Agents Reference Guide. Note that notifier must be configured in a failover group, not parallel, because only one instance of notifier runs in the entire cluster. Also note that notifier does not respond to SNMP get or set requests; notifier is a trap generator only.

Notifier enables you to specify configurations for the SNMP manager and SMTP server, including machine names, ports, community IDs, and recipients' email addresses. You can specify more than one manager or server, and the severity level of messages sent to each.

Example of notifier Command

# notifier -s m=north -s m=south,p=2000,l=Error,c=your_company
   -t m=north,e="",l=SevereError
In this example, notifier:

  • Sends all level SNMP traps to north at the default SNMP port and community value public.
  • Sends Warning traps to north.
  • Sends Error and SevereError traps to south at port 2000 and community value your_company.
  • Sends SevereError email messages to north as SMTP server at default port and to email recipient

The hanotify Utility

The hanotify utility enables you to construct user-defined messages. These messages are then forwarded by hanotify to HAD, which in turn stores them in its internal message queue. Along with other messages, user-defined messages are also forwarded to the notifier process for delivery to email recipients, SNMP consoles, or both.

Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

Example of hanotify Command

hanotify -i -l Warning -n 
    agentres -T 7 -t "custom agent" -o 4 -S sys1 -L mv -p sys2 -P 
    mv -c MyAgent -C 7 -O johndoe -m "Custom message"

In this example, the number is the OID for the message being sent. Because it is a user-defined message, VCS has no way of knowing the OID associated with the SNMP trap corresponding to this message so the user must provide it.

The other parameters to hanotify specify the message is severity level Warning. The systems affected are sys1 and sys2. Running this command sends a custom message for the resource agentres from the agent MyAgent.

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation