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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Controlling VCS Behavior at the Service Group Level

This section describes how you can configure service group attributes to modify VCS behavior in response to resource faults.

Controlling Failover on Service Group or System Faults

The AutoFailOver attribute configures service group behavior in response to service group and system faults.

  • If the AutoFailOver attribute is set to 1, the service group fails over when a system or a service group faults, provided a suitable system exists for failover.
  • If the AutoFailOver attribute is set to 0, the service group does not fail over when a system or service group faults. If a fault occurs in a service group, the group is taken offline, depending on whether any of its resources are configured as critical. If a system faults, the service group is not failed over to another system.

Freezing Service Groups

Freezing a service group prevents VCS from taking any action when the service group or a system faults. Freezing a service group prevents dependent resources from going offline when a resource faults. It also prevents the Clean function from being called on a resource fault.

You can freeze a service group when performing operations on its resources from outside VCS control. This prevents VCS from taking actions on resources while your operations are on. For example, freeze a database group when using database controls to stop and start a database.

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation