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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Agent Developer's Guide   

Guidelines for Using Pre-VCS 4.0 Agents

Changes made to the agent framework with VCS 4.0 and later releases affect how the agents developed using the 2.0 or 3.5 agent framework can be used. While it is not necessary, it is recommended that all pre-VCS 4.0 agents be modified to work with the VCS 4.0 and later agent framework so that the new entry points can be used.

Note the following guidelines:

  • If the pre-VCS 4.0 agent is implemented strictly in scripts, then the VCS ScriptAgent can be used. If desired, the VCS 4.0 and later action and info entry points can be used directly.
  • If the pre-VCS 4.0 agent is implemented using any C++ entry points, the agent can be used if developers do not care to implement the action or info entry points. The VCS 4.0 and later agent framework assumes all pre-VCS 4.0 agents are version 3.5.
  • If the pre-VCS 4.0 agent is implemented using any C++ entry points, and developers want to implement the action or the info entry point, the developers must:
    • Add the action or info entry point, either C++ or script-based, to the agent.
    • Define the entry points in the VCS primitive, VCSAg40EntryPointStruct, and use the primitive VCSAgRegisterEPStruct to register the agent as a VCS 4.0 agent.
    • Recompile the agent.

    • Note   Note    Agents developed on the 4.0 and later agent framework are not compatible with the 2.0 or the 3.5 frameworks.

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Agent Developer's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation