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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Installation Guide   

Adding a System to a Single-System Cluster

Adding systems to a single-system cluster involves the activities described below. All systems in the new cluster must run the same version of VCS. For our discussion, we refer to the existing single-node VCS system as System A. We refer to the system that is to join System A to form a multiple-node cluster as System B. The activities include:

    Checkmark  Setting up System B to be compatible with System A

    The steps to set up System B include shutting down and uninstalling VCS if VCS is present on the system, and, if necessary, adding VxVM and VxFS software that is compatible with that running on System A.

    Checkmark  Adding Ethernet cards for private heartbeat network for System B

    Checkmark  Preparing System A by adding, if necessary, an Ethernet card for the private heartbeat network, and making the Ethernet cable connections between the two systems

    Checkmark  Connecting both systems to shared storage

    Checkmark  Bringing up VCS on System A and editing the configuration file

    Checkmark  Installing VCS on System B, if necessary, and editing the configuration files

    Checkmark  Editing the configuration files on the System A, starting LLT and GAB, restarting VCS, and modifying service groups for two systems

    Checkmark  Starting VCS on the System B

    Checkmark  Checking the new two-system cluster

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Installation Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation