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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Autoenabling a Service Group

A service group is autodisabled until VCS probes all resources and checks that they are ready to bring online. Autoenable a service group in situations where the VCS engine is not running on one of the systems in the cluster and you need to override the disabled state of the service group to be able to enable it on another system in the cluster.

  To autoenable a service group

  1. From the Service Group page, click Autoenable in the left pane.
  2. In the Autoenable Group dialog box:
    1. Select the system on which to enable the service group.
    2. Click OK.
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation