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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Connecting to the Web Console

The method of accessing the Web Console depends on the location of the console. You must use a valid VCS user name and password to log on to a cluster.

  • If the console is set up inside the cluster, use the following URL to access the console:
  • http://virtual_IP:8181/vcs/index.html
    The variable virtual_IP is the virtual IP address configured for the webip resource in the ClusterService service group, and the number 8181 is the default VERITAS Web port.
  • If the console is set up outside the cluster, use the following URL to access the console:
  • http://system_alias:8181/vcs/index.html
    The variable system_alias is either the name or IP address of the system on which the console is configured, and the number 8181 is the default VERITAS Web port.

    Note   Note    Certain cluster operations are enabled or restricted depending on the privileges with which you log on to VCS. For information about the specific privileges associated with VCS users, see the appendix VCS User Privileges---Administration Matrices.

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation