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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Setting up the Web Console: Inside or Outside the Cluster

VCS enables you to set up the Web Console within a clustered environment or on a standalone server.

  • If you configure the Web Console while installing VCS, the console is installed on all systems in the cluster. The console is configured under the ClusterService group; this group can fail over to another system in the cluster, making the console highly available. VCS controls the starting and stopping of the Web Console.
  • If you do not configure the Web Console while installing VCS, you can install it on a standalone server by manually installing the VRTSweb, VRTSjre, and VRTSvcsw packages. After installing the packages, use the /opt/VRTSweb/bin/startApp vcs command to start the console and the /opt/VRTSweb/bin/stopApp vcs command to stop the console.
  • This setup outside the cluster does not provide high availability for the console. You must have administrative privileges on the system to start and stop the Web Console.

Configuring the Web Console Manually

The resources required for Cluster Manager (Web Console) are configured in the ClusterService group. You must create and configure the ClusterService service group manually if you did not enable the Cluster Manager (Web Console) option while installing VCS.

  To configure the Web Console

  1. Create a service group called ClusterService.
  2. Add a resource of type IP to the service group. Name the resource webip. Configure the following attributes for the resource:

    • Address: A virtual IP address to be assigned to VCS Cluster Manager (Web Console.) The GUI is accessed using this IP address.
    • Device: The name the public network card on the system from which the Web GUI will run. Device is defined as a local attribute for each system in the cluster.
    • NetMask: The subnet to which the virtual IP address belongs.
    • Critical: Set this attribute to True to make webip a critical resource.

  3. Add a resource of type VRTSWebApp to the service group. Name the resource VCSweb. Configure the following attributes for the resource:

    • Appname: Set to vcs.
    • InstallDir: Set to /opt/VRTSweb/VERITAS.
    • TimeForOnline: Set to 5.
    • Critical: Set to False.

  4. Link the VCSweb and webip resources, making VCSweb the parent resource.
  5. Enable both resources.
  6. Bring the ClusterService service group online. You can now access the GUI from http://IP_alias:8181/vcs, where IP_alias is the virtual IP address configured in the service group.

Sample Configuration

 group ClusterService (
  SystemList = { vcshp5, vcshp6 }
  AutoStartList = { vcshp5, vcshp6 }
  OnlineRetryLimit = 3
 IP webip (
  Address = ""
  NetMask = ""
  Device = "lan0"
 NIC csnic (
  Device = "lan0"
  NetworkHosts = {"", ""}
 VRTSWebApp VCSweb (
  AppName = "vcs"
  InstallDir = "/opt/VRTSweb/VERITAS"
  TimeForOnline = 5
  Critical = 0
 VCSweb requires webip
 VCSweb requires csnic
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation