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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Agent Developer's Guide   

Using the AgentServer Utility

The AgentServer utility enables you to test agents without running the VCS engine process.The utility is part of the VCS package and is installed in the directory $VCS_HOME/bin. Run the AgentServer utility when the VCS engine is not running.

  To start the AgentServer and access help

  1. Type the following command to start AgentServer:
       # $VCS_HOME/bin/AgentServer

    The AgentServer utility monitors a TCP port for messages from the VCS agents. This port number can be configured by setting vcstest to the selected port number in the file /etc/services. If vcstest is not specified, AgentServer uses the default value 14142.

  2. When AgentServer is started, a message prompts you to enter a command or to type help for a complete list of the AgentServer commands. We recommend you type help to review the commands before getting started.

    Output resembles:

       The following commands are supported.(Use help for more
       information on using any command.)

  3. For help on a specific command, type help command_name at the AgentServer prompt (>). For example, for information on how to bring a resource online, type:
      >help onlineres

    The output resembles:

      Sends a message to an agent to online a resource.
      Usage: onlineres <agentid> <resname>
      where <agentid> is id for the agent - usually same as
      the resource type name.
      where <resname> is the name of the resource.

  To test the FileOnOff agent

  1. Start the agent for the resource type:
       >startagent FileOnOff /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/FileOnOff/FileOnOffAgent

    You receive the following messages:

       Agent (FileOnOff) has connected.
  2. Agent (FileOnOff) is ready to accept commands. The following are examples of and configuration files that can be referred to when testing the FileOnOff agent:

    • Example definition for the FileOnOff agent:

    •      type FileOnOff (
             str PathName
             static str ArgList[] = { PathName }
    • Example definition for a FileOnOff resource:

    •      ...
           group ga (
           )     FileOnOff file1 (
            Enabled = 1
            PathName = "/tmp/VRTSvcsfile001"

      In zzzstep 3, the sample configuration is set up using AgentServer commands.

  3. Complete step a through step f to pass this sample configuration to the VCS agent.
    1. Add a type:

    2.      >addtype FileOnOff FileOnOff
    3. Add attributes of the type:

    4.      >addattr FileOnOff FileOnOff PathName str ""
           >addattr FileOnOff FileOnOff Enabled int 0
    5. Add the static attributes to the FileOnOff resource type:

    6.      >addstaticattr FileOnOff FileOnOff ArgList
             vector PathName
    7. Add the LogLevel attribute to see the debug messages from the
      VCS agent:

    8.      >addstaticattr FileOnOff FileOnOff LogLevel str info
    9. Add a resource:

    10.      >addres FileOnOff file1 FileOnOff
    11. Set the resource attributes:

    12.      >modifyres FileOnOff file1 PathName str
           >modifyres FileOnOff file1 Enabled int 1
  4. After adding and modifying resources, type the following command to obtain the status of a resource:
       >proberes FileOnOff file1
    This calls the monitor entry point of the FileOnOff agent.
    You will receive the following messages indicating the resource status:

       Resource(file1) is OFFLINE
       Resource(file1) confidence level is 0
    1. To bring a resource online:

    2.      >onlineres FileOnOff file1

        This calls the online entry point of the FileOnOff agent. The following message is displayed when file1 is brought online:

           Resource(file1) is ONLINE
           Resource(file1) confidence level is 100
    3. To take a resource offline:

    4.      >offlineres FileOnOff file1

        This calls the offline entry point of the FileOnOff agent. A status message similar to the example in step a is displayed when file1 is taken offline.

  5. View the list of VCS agents started by the AgentServer process:
    Output resembles:

       Following Agents are started:
  6. Stop the agent:
       >stopagent FileOnOff
  7. Exit from the AgentServer:

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Agent Developer's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation