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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Installation Guide   

Adding a Node to a Cluster

The system you add to the cluster must meet the hardware and software requirements outlined in Preparing to Install VCS 4.1.

Setting up the Hardware

Before configuring a new system to an existing cluster, you must physically add the system to the cluster.

  1. Connect the VCS private Ethernet controllers. If you are expanding from a two-system cluster, you need to use independent hubs for the private network connections, replacing crossover cables if they are used. If you already use independent hubs, connect the two Ethernet controllers on the new system to the independent hubs. The following illustration shows a new system being added to an existing three-system cluster using two independent hubs.
  2. Connect the system to the shared storage, if required.
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Installation Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation