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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Using Java Console with Secure Shell

You can use Java Console with secure shell (SSH) using X11 forwarding, or Port forwarding. Make sure that SSH is correctly configured on the client and the host systems.

  To use X11 forwarding

  1. In the ssh configuration file, set ForwardX11 to yes.
       ForwardX11    yes
  2. Log on to the remote system and start an X clock program that you can use to test the forward connection.
       # xclock &. 
    Note   Note    Do not set the DISPLAY variable on the client. X connections forwarded through a secure shell use a special local display setting.

  To use Port forwarding

In this mode the console connects to a specified port on the client system. This port is forwarded to port 14141 on the VCS server node.

  1. In the ssh configuration file, set GatewayPorts to yes.
       GatewayPorts  yes
  2. From the client system, forward a port (client_port) to port 14141 on the VCS server.
       # $ssh -L client_port:server_host:14141 server_host

    You may not be able set GatewayPorts in the configuration file if you use openSSH. In this case use the -g option in the command.

       # $ssh -g -L client_port:server_host:14141 server_host 
  3. Open another window on the client system and start the Java Console.
       # $/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hagui
  4. Add a cluster panel in the Cluster Monitor. When prompted, enter the name of client system as the host and the client_port as the port. Do not enter localhost.
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation