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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Agent Developer's Guide   

Initializing Attributes in the Configuration File

The following configuration shows how to initialize these attributes through configuration files. The example shows attributes of a FileOnOff resource.

 type FileOnOff ( 
  static str AgentClass = RT 
  static str AgentPriority = 10 
  static str ScriptClass = RT 
  static str ScriptPriority = 40  
  static str ArgList[] = { PathName } 
  str PathName 

Setting Attributes Dynamically from the Command Line

  To update the AgentClass


 hatype -modify resource_type AgentClass value

For example, to set the AgentClass attribute of the FileOnOff resource to Realtime, type:

 hatype -modify FileOnOff AgentClass "RT"

  To update the AgentPriority


 hatype -modify resource_type AgentPriority value

For example, to set the AgentPriority attribute of the FileOnOff resource to 10, type:

 hatype -modify FileOnOff  AgentPriority "10"

  To update the ScriptClass


 hatype -modify resource_type  ScriptClass value

For example, to set the ScriptClass of the FileOnOff resource to RealTime, type:

 hatype -modify FileOnOff ScriptClass "RT" 

  To update the ScriptPriority


 hatype -modify resource_type  ScriptPriority value

For example, to set the ScriptClass of the FileOnOff resource to RealTime, type:

 hatype -modify FileOnOff ScriptPriority "40"

Note: For the attributes AgentClass and AgentPriority, changes are effective immediately. For ScriptClass and ScriptPriority, changes become effective for scripts issued after the execution of the hatype command.

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Agent Developer's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation