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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Agent Developer's Guide   

Overriding Static Attributes

Typically, the value of a static attribute of a resource type applies to all resources of the type. However, the value of a static attribute for a specific resource may be modified (overridden) without affecting the value of the attribute for other resources of that type. In this chapter, the description of each agent attribute indicates whether the attribute's values are overridable.

Users can override the values of overridable static attributes two ways:

  • By explicitly defining the attribute in a resource definition in the configuration file
  • By using the hares command from the command line with the -override option

The values of the overridden attributes may be displayed using the
hares -display command. The overridden values of static attributes may be removed by using the hares -undo_override option from the command line.

See hares manual page and the VERITAS Cluster Server User's Guide for a additional information about overriding the values of static attributes.

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Agent Developer's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation