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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Starting and Stopping VCS Agents Manually

  To start and stop agents manually

haagent -start agent -sys system
haagent -stop agent -sys system
Note   Note    Under normal conditions, VCS agents are started and stopped automatically.

After issuing the commands above, a message is displayed instructing the user to look for messages in the log file. The agent log is located at $VCS_HOME/log/agent_A.log. See Logging for more information on log messages.

Initializing Resource Type Scheduling and Priority Attributes

The following configuration shows how to initialize resource type scheduling and priority attributes through configuration files. The example shows attributes of a FileOnOff resource. (See Resource Attributes for a description of each attribute cited below and its defaults.)

 type FileOnOff ( 
  static str AgentClass = RT 
  static str AgentPriority = 10 
  static str ScriptClass = RT 
  static str ScriptPriority = 40  
  static str ArgList[] = { PathName } 
  str PathName 
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation