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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Modifying Resource Attributes

  To modify a new resource

hares -modify resource attribute value
 # hares -modify <resource> <attr> <value>
          [-sys <system>] [-wait [-time <waittime>]]
The variable value depends on the type of attribute being created.

  To set a new resource's Enabled attribute to 1

hares -modify resourceA Enabled 1

The agent managing the resource is started on a system when its Enabled attribute is set to 1 on that system. Specifically, the VCS engine begins to monitor the resource for faults. Agent monitoring is disabled if the Enabled attribute is reset to 0.

Additional Considerations for Modifying Attributes

Resource names must be unique throughout the cluster and you cannot modify resource attributes defined by the system, such as the resource state.

Linking Resources

  To specify a dependency relationship, or "link," between two resources

hares -link parent_resource child_resource
The variable parent_resource depends on child_resource being online before going online itself. Conversely, parent_resource go offline before child_resource goes offline.
For example, a NIC resource must be available before an IP resource can go online, so for resources IP1 of type IP and NIC1 of type NIC, specify the dependency as:

hares -link IP1 NIC1

Additional Considerations for Linking Resources

A resource can have an unlimited number of parents and children. When linking resources, the parent cannot be a resource whose Operations attribute is equal to None or OnOnly. Specifically, these are resources that cannot be brought online or taken offline by an agent (None), or can only be brought online by an agent (OnOnly).

Loop cycles are automatically prohibited by the VCS engine. You cannot specify a resource link between resources of different service groups.

Deleting and Unlinking Service Groups and Resources

  To delete a service group

hagrp -delete service_group

  To unlink service groups

hagrp -unlink parent_group child_group

  To delete a resource

hares -delete resource
Note that deleting a resource won't take offline the object being monitored by the resource. The object remains online, outside the control and monitoring of VCS.

  To unlink resources

hares -unlink parent_resource child_resource
Note   Note    You can unlink service groups and resources at any time. You cannot delete a service group until all of its resources are deleted.
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation