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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Adding a User

  1. Set the configuration to read/write mode:
      # haconf -makerw
  2. Add the user:
      # hauser -add user [-priv <Administrator|Operator> [-group 
  3. Enter a password when prompted.
  4. Reset the configuration to read-only:
      # haconf -dump -makero
    Note   Note    Users in the category Cluster Guest cannot add users.

  To add a user with Cluster Administrator access

 # hauser -add user -priv Administrator

  To add a user with Cluster Operator access

 # hauser -add user -priv Operator

  To add a user with Group Administrator access

 # hauser -add user -priv Administrator -group service_groups

  To add a user with Group Operator access

 # hauser -add user -priv Operator -group service_groups

Assigning and Removing User Privileges

  To assign privileges to an Administrator or Operator

hauser -addpriv user Adminstrator|Operator
   [-group service_groups]

  To remove privileges from an Administrator or Operator

   # hauser -delpriv user Adminstrator|Operator
     [-group service_groups]
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation