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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Example 2: The for a Two-Node Asymmetric NFS Cluster

The following example is a basic two-node cluster exporting an NFS file system. The systems are configured as:

  • servers: Server1 and Server2
  • storage: One VxVM disk group, shared1
  • file system: /home
  • IP address: IP_nfs1
  • public interface: lan0
  • Server1 is primary location to start the NFS_group1

In an NFS configuration, the resource dependencies must be configured to bring up the IP address last. This prevents the client from accessing the server until everything is ready, and preventing unnecessary "Stale File Handle" errors on the clients.

include ""

cluster demo(
  UserNames = { admin = "cDRpdxPmHpzS." }
  Administrators = { admin }
  CounterInterval = 5

system Server1(
  CPUUsageMonitoring = { Enabled = 0, ActionThreshold = 0,
  ActionTimeLimit = 0, Action = NONE, NotifyThreshold = 0,
  NotifyTimeLimit = 0 }

system Server2(
  CPUUsageMonitoring = { Enabled = 0, ActionThreshold = 0,
  ActionTimeLimit = 0, Action = NONE, NotifyThreshold = 0,
  NotifyTimeLimit = 0 }

group ClusterService (
  SystemList = { Server1 = 0, Server2 = 1 }
  AutoStartList = { Server1 }
  OnlineRetryLimit = 3
DiskGroup DG_shared1 (
  DiskGroup = shared1

 IP IP_nfs1 (
  Device = lan0
  Address = ""
  NetMask = ""

Mount Mount_home (
  MountPoint = "/export/home"
  BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/shared1/home_vol"
  FSType = vxfs
  FsckOpt = "-y"
  MountOpt = rw

NFS NFS_group1_16 (
  Nservers = 16
  Protocol = all

NIC NIC_group1_hme0 (
  Device = hme0
  NetworkType = ether
NetworkHosts = {"","",""}

Share Share_home (
  PathName = "/export/home"

IP_nfs1 requires Share_home
IP_nfs1 requires NIC_group1_hme0
Mount_home requires DG_shared1
Share_home requires NFS_group1_16
Share_home requires Mount_home
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation