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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Installation Guide   

Installing the Root Broker

Install the Root Broker only if you plan on using VERITAS Security Services (VxSS). You must install and configure the Root Broker before you configure VxSS. You can configure VxSS during or after VCS installation.

VERITAS recommends that you install the Root Broker on a stable system that is outside the cluster. See VERITAS Security Services (Optional) or VERITAS Cluster Server User's Guide for more information.

  To install the root broker

  1. Change to the directory where you can start the installvcs program:
     # cd cluster_server
  2. Start the Root Broker installation program by entering:
     # ./installvcs -security
  3. The installer presents you with three choices, select installation:
    [3] Install VERITAS Security Services Root Broker.
  4. When the installation program begins, it starts the VxSS installation program by presenting an informational message:

    Copyright (c) 2005 VERITAS Software Corporation. All rights reserved.

    VERITAS, the VERITAS Logo and all other VERITAS product names and slogans are trademarks or registered trademarks of VERITAS Software Corporation. VERITAS and the VERITAS Logo Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. Other product names and/or slogans mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

    Authentication Service can be installed in three modes, Root Broker mode, Authentication Broker mode (AB), or both (R+AB). Typically, only one system per domain operates as a Root Broker, which validates system credentials for all other Authentication Broker systems within the domain.

    installvcs is used to install a system in R+AB mode to serve as the Root Broker for Cluster Server systems running in Secure Mode. Use the VERITAS Security Services CD to install Authentication Service in other modes, on other platforms, or to find VERITAS Security Services documentation.
  5. After the installer prompts you to install the Authentication Service in R+AB mode, enter: y.
  6. Enter the name of the system where you want to install the root broker:
    Enter the system name on which to install VERITAS Authentication Service: east
  7. The installer checks to make sure that the VCS supports the operating system and checks if the system already runs the security package:
    Checking system communication:
        Verifying communication with east ......... ping successful
        Attempting remsh with east ............... remsh successful
        Attempting rcp with east ................... rcp successful
        Checking OS version on east ................. HP-UX B.11.23
        Checking VRTSat package ..................... not installed
        Creating log directory on east ....................... Done
  8. The installer now checks the system for package and patch information, that sufficient space is available to install the packages, and that none of the processes and drivers related to VCS are currently are currently running.
    Checking system installation requirements:

    Checking VERITAS Authentication Service installation requirements on east:

        Checking VRTSat package ...................... not installed
        Checking file system space ..... required space is available
        Stopping VEA processes on host east ................... Done
        Checking vxatd process ......................... not running

    Installation requirement checks completed successfully.

    Press [Return] to continue:

    Installing Authentication Service 4.1 on east:

        Installing VRTSat on east ........ Done 1 of 1 steps

    Authentication Service installation completed successfully.

    Press [Return] to continue:
  9. Start the Authentication Server processes:
    Do you want to start Authentication Service processes now? [y,n,q] y
    Authentication Service was started successfully.
    Installation of Authentication Service 4.1 has completed successfully.

    The installation summary is saved at:


    The installvcs log is saved at:


Running the VERITAS Installer

You can start the installation of VCS two ways:

  • Use the installvcs utility directly; skip to Running the installvcs Utility,or
  • Use the VERITAS product installer utility on the software disc. Refer to the following procedure:

  To use the product installer

  1. Log in as root user with the CD-ROM mounted at /cdrom.
  2. Change directory to the mount point, for example:
      # cd /cdrom
  3. To start the installer, type:
      # ./installer
  4. The installer begins by displaying copyright information.
  5. From the opening Selection Menu, choose "I" to choose "Install/Upgrade a Product."
  6. From the displayed list of products to install, choose: VERITAS Cluster Server.
  7. When the installation program begins, it starts the product installation script by presenting a copyright message and prompting you for the names of the systems where you want to install VCS. Skip to step 4 to continue the installation.

Running the installvcs Utility

With the software disc mounted, you can start the installvcs utility.

Using the installvcs -precheck Option

Before beginning the installation of VCS software, you can verify that the systems on which you want to install are ready for installation. The command to start the pre-installation check is:

installvcs -precheck system1 system2 ... 

For example:

./installvcs -precheck north south 

The utility proceeds in an non-interactive mode, examining the systems for licenses, packages, disk space, and system-to-system communications. The utility displays the results of the check and saves the results of the check in a log file.

See Using Other Options of installvcs for more command-line options.

Starting Software Installation

  1. Change to the directory where you can start the installvcs utility:
     # cd cluster_server
  2. Start the VCS installation utility by entering:
     # ./installvcs
  3. The installer begins with the following introduction:

    Copyright (c) 2005 VERITAS Software Corporation. All rights reserved.

    VERITAS, the VERITAS Logo and all other VERITAS product names and slogans are trademarks or registered trademarks of VERITAS Software Corporation. VERITAS and the VERITAS Logo Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. Other product names and/or slogans mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
  4. The utility prompts for the names of the systems in the cluster.
     Enter the system names separated by spaces on which to install  
     VCS: north south

Performing Initial System Checks

  1. The installer verifies that the systems you specify use the proper operating system and that they are configured with ssh or remsh for system-to system communication. If the installer finds ssh binaries, it confirms that ssh is set up to operate without requests for passwords or passphrases.
    Checking system communication:

        Verifying communication with north .......... ping successful
        Attempting remsh with north ................ remsh successful
        Attempting rcp with north .................... rcp successful
        Checking OS version on north .................. HP-UX B.11.23
        Checking VRTSvcs package ...................... not installed
        Creating log directory on north ........................ Done
        Verifying communication with south .......... ping successful
        Attempting remsh with south ................ remsh successful
        Attempting rcp with south .................... rcp successful
        Checking OS version on south .................. HP-UX B.11.23
        Checking VRTSvcs package ...................... not installed
        Creating log directory on south ........................ Done

    Logs for installvcs are being created in /var/tmp/installvcs601160851.

    Using /usr/bin/remsh and /usr/bin/rcp to communicate with remote systems.

    Initial system check completed successfully.

    Press [Return] to continue:

Installing the VERITAS Infrastructure Packages

  1. The infrastructure packages are installed after the installer verifies they are not already installed and that disk space is available:
     Installing VERITAS Infrastructure packages on north:
        Checking VRTScpi package ...................... not installed
        Checking VRTSVlic package ..................... not installed
        Checking file system space ......... required space available
        Installing VRTScpi 4.1 on north ........................ Done
        Installing VRTSvlic 3.02.006a on north ................. Done

     Installing VERITAS Infrastructure packages on south:
        Checking VRTScpi package ...................... not installed
        Checking VRTSVlic package ..................... not installed
        Checking file system space ......... required space available
        Installing VRTScpi 4.1 on south ........................ Done
        Installing VRTSvlic 3.02.006a on south ................. Done

     VERITAS Infrastructure packages installed successfully.

Verifying VCS Licenses

  1. The installer checks for VCS license keys currently in place on each system. You can enter a VCS license and add licenses for additional product features, such as the Global Cluster option.
     Each system requires a VCS product license before installation.
     License keys for additional product features should also be added
     at this time.
     Some license keys are node locked and are unique per system. Other
     license keys, such as demo keys and site license keys, are
     registered on all systems and must be entered on the first system.
     VCS Licensing Verification:
     Checking VCS license key on north ................. not licensed
      Enter a VCS license key for north: [?] XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX
      Registering XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX on north ........ Done
    Note   Note    You can add other licenses, such as for the Global Cluster option, at this time.

     Do you want to enter another license key for north? [y,n,q,?] (n)
     Registering XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX on south 
     Checking VCS license key on south .................Cluster Server
     Do you want to enter another license key for south? [y,n,q,?] (n)
     VCS licensing completed successfully.
     Press [Return] to continue:

Choosing Optional Packages Before Adding VCS Packages

  1. The installer prompts you to install optional VCS packages. You can select from the optional packages, and see their descriptions.For example:
     installvcs can install the following optional VCS packages:
     VRTSvxfen     VERITAS I/O Fencing
     VRTSvcsmn     VERITAS Cluster Server Man Pages
     VRTScssim     VERITAS Cluster Server Simulator
     VRTScscm      VERITAS Cluster Server Cluster Manager

      1)  Install all of the optional packages
      2)  Install none of the optional packages
      3)  View package description and select optional packages
     Select the optional packages to be installed on all systems? 
     [1-3,q,?]  (1) 
  2. After you choose whether to install optional packages, the installer lists all of the packages to be installed:
    installvcs will install the following VCS packages:
    VRTSperl     VERITAS Perl 5.8.0 Redistribution
    VRTSat       VERITAS Authentication Service
    VRTSllt      VERITAS Low Latency Transport
    VRTSgab      VERITAS Group Membership and Atomic Broadcast
    VRTSvxfen    VERITAS I/O Fencing
    VRTSvcs      VERITAS Cluster Server
    VRTSvcsag    VERITAS Cluster Server Bundled Agents
    VRTSvcsmg    VERITAS Cluster Server Message Catalogs
    VRTSvcsmn    VERITAS Cluster Server Man Pages
    VRTSvcsdc    VERITAS Cluster Server Documentation
    VRTSjre      VERITAS Java Runtime Environment Redistribution
    VRTScutil    VERITAS Cluster Utilities
    VRTScscm     VERITAS Cluster Server Cluster Manager
    VRTSweb      VERITAS Java Web Server
    VRTSvcsw     VERITAS Cluster Manager (Web Console)
    VRTScscw     VERITAS Cluster Server Configuration Wizards
    VRTScssim    VERITAS Cluster Server Simulator
  3. The installer checks both systems to make sure none of the packages are already installed, that sufficient space is available to install the packages, and that none of the processes and drivers related to VCS are currently are currently running.
     Checking VCS installation requirements on north:

        Checking VRTSperl package ..................... not installed
        Checking VRTSat package ........... version installed
        Checking VRTSllt package ...................... not installed
        Checking VRTSgab package ...................... not installed
        Checking VRTSvxfen package .................... not installed
        Checking VRTSvcs package ...................... not installed
        Checking VRTSvcsag package .................... not installed
        Checking VRTSvcsmg package .................... not installed
        Checking VRTSvcsmn package .................... not installed
        Checking VRTSvcsdc package .................... not installed
        Checking VRTSjre package ...................... not installed
        Checking VRTScutil package .................... not installed
        Checking VRTScscm package ..................... not installed
        Checking VRTSweb package ...................... not installed
        Checking VRTSvcsw package ..................... not installed
        Checking VRTScscw package ..................... not installed
        Checking VRTScssim package .................... not installed
        Checking file system space ...... required space is available
        Stopping VEA processes on host north ................... Done
        Checking had process ............................ not running
        Checking hashadow process ....................... not running
        Checking CmdServer process ...................... not running
        Checking notifier process ....................... not running
        Checking vxfen driver ........................... not running
        Checking gab driver ............................. not running
        Checking llt driver ............................. not running

    The same checks are made on south and the following message displays:

      Installation requirement checks completed successfully.

    In some cases, packages may already be installed on a system. If the current version of a package is installed, it is removed from the package installation list for the system. If a previous version of a package is installed, it is removed and the current version is installed.

Configuring the Cluster

  1. The installer describes the options you have selected to install and configure with VCS. While VCS must be configured before it can be used, you can choose to install and configure VCS now, or to merely install packages on the systems and leave the cluster configuration steps for later. See Using installvcs to Configure Without Installation.
      It is optional to configure VCS now. If you choose to 
      configure VCS later, you can either do so manually or run the
      installvcs -configure command. Are you ready to configure VCS?
      [y,n,q] (y) y
  2. The installer lists the information it requires to configure a VCS cluster:
      To configure VCS the following is required:
       A unique Cluster name
       A unique Cluster ID number between 0-255
       Two or more NIC cards per system used for heartbeat links
       One or more heartbeat links are configured as private links
       One heartbeat link may be configured as a low priority link
      All systems are being configured to create one cluster
      Enter the unique cluster name: [?] vcs_cluster2
      Enter the unique Cluster ID number between 0-255: [b,?] 7
  3. The installer discovers the NICs available on the first system and reports them:
      Discovering NICs on north ...discovered lan0 lan1 lan2 lan3

    The installer presents questions about configuring the discovered heartbeat NICS:

      Enter the NIC for the first private heartbeat NIC on north:
      [b,?] lan1
      Would you like to configure a second private heartbeat link?
      [y,n,q,b,?] (y) 
      Enter the NIC for the second private heartbeat NIC on north:
      [b,?] lan2
      Would you like to configure a third private heartbeat link?
      Do you want to configure an additional low priority heartbeat
      link? [y,n,q,b,?] (n)
      Are you using the same NICs for private heartbeat links on all
      systems? [y,n,q,b,?] (y)
    Note   Note    When answering "Y," be sure that the same NICs are available on each system; the installer does not verify this.

    Notice that in this example, lan0 is not selected for use as a private heartbeat NIC because it already in use as the public network interface. The default responses are chosen.

  4. The installer summarizes the information and prompts you to confirm it is correct:
      Cluster information verification:
        Cluster Name: vcs_cluster2
        Cluster ID Number: 7
        Private Heartbeat NICs for north: link1=lan1 link2=lan2
        Private Heartbeat NICs for south: link1=lan1 link2=lan2
      Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y)  

    • If the information is not correct, answer "n." The installer prompts you to enter the information again.
    • If the information is correct, press Return.

Configuring the Cluster in Secure Mode

  1. The installer begins with the following introduction, and asks if you want to proceed to install VERITAS Security Services (VxSS):
    Cluster Server can be configured to utilize VERITAS Security Services.
    Running VCS in Secure Mode guarantees that all inter-system communication is encypted and that users are verified with security credentials.
    When running VCS in Secure Mode, NIS and system usernames and passwords are used to verify identity. VCS usernames and passwords are no longer utilized when a cluster is running in Secure Mode.
    Before configuring a cluster to operate using VERITAS Security Services, another system must already have VERITAS Security Services installed and be operating as a Root Broker. Refer to the Cluster Server Installation and Configuration Guide for more information on configuring a VxSS Root Broker.
    Would you like to configure VCS to use VERITAS Security Serivces? [y,n,q] (n)

    • If you want to configure VxSS, make sure that you have installed the root broker (see Installing the Root Broker), and answer y.
    • If you do not want to configure VxSS, press Return.

  2. The installer now checks for installed credentials and packages on the cluster.

    • If you see a message similar to the following, proceed to step 17.

    •    Checking VERITAS Security Services on system north:

           Checking VRTSat package ...................... not installed

         Checking VERITAS Security Services on system south:

           Checking VRTSat package ...................... not installed
    • If you see a message similar to the following, VERITAS Security Services are already installed, skip to step 19.

    •    Checking VERITAS Security Services credentials

         Checking VERITAS Security Services on system north:

           Checking VRTSat package .......... version installed
           Checking root credential .............................. None

         Checking VERITAS Security Services on system south:

           Checking VRTSat package .......... version installed
           Checking root credential .............
         Systems have credentials from
         Using as root broker for other 
         cluster systems

  3. It then informs you that you must establish the Root Broker, and asks for the Root Broker's name:
    In order to Enable VERITAS Security Services on a VCS Cluster, VERITAS Authorization Services (VRTSat package) must be installed on a system and operating as a Root Broker. Refer to the VCS Installation and Configuration Guide for more information on installing and configuring VERITAS Authorization Services.

    Enter the name of the VxSS Root Broker system: east

       Checking vxatd process .............................. running
       Checking vxatd version ..............................

    Systems will use as its VxSS Domain.

    If VERITAS Security Services are already installed, you should see output similar to:

    Configuring Cluster Server:
      Creating north security principal on east ................ Done
      Starting VERITAS Security Services on north .............. Done
      Creating south security principal on east ................ Done
      Starting VERITAS Security Services on south .............. Done
      Creating Cluster Server configuration files .............. Done
      Copying configuration files to north ..................... Done
      Copying configuration files to south ..................... Done
    Cluster Server configured successfully.

Adding VCS Users

  1. On systems operating under an English locale, you can add VCS users at this time. For each user you want to add, the installer prompts you for the user's name, password, and level of privileges. You also have the opportunity to reset the password for the Admin user.
     The following information is required to add VCS users:
       A user name
       A password for the user
       User privileges (Administrator, Operator, or Guest)
     Do you want to set the password for the Admin user
     (default password='password')? [y,n,q] (n) y
     Enter New Password:******
     Enter Again:******
     Do you want to add another user to the cluster? [y,n,q] (y)
     Enter the user name: [?] smith
     Enter New Password:*******
     Enter Again:*******
     Enter the privilege for user smith (A=Administrator, O=Operator,
      G=Guest): [?] a
     Would you like to add another user? [y,n,q] (n) 
            User: admin     Privilege: Administrators
            User: smith     Privilege: Administrators
            Passwords are not displayed
     Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y)

Configuring Cluster Manager

  1. The installer describes information required to configure Cluster Manager:
      The following information is required to configure Cluster
       A public NIC used by each system in the cluster
       A Virtual IP address and netmask for Cluster Manager
       One or more NetworkHosts IP addresses for connection checking
       Do you want to configure Cluster Manager (Web Console)

    Press Return to configure Cluster Manager (Web Console) on the systems. Enter "n" to skip configuring Cluster Manager and advance to configure SMTP notification.

  2. Confirm whether you want to use the discovered public NIC on the first system.
      Active NIC devices discovered on north: lan0
      Enter the NIC for Cluster Manager (Web Console) to use on north:

    Press Return if the discovered NIC is the one to use. Otherwise, type the name of a NIC to use and press Return.

      Is lan0 to be the public NIC used by all systems [y,n,q,b,?] (y)

    Press Return if all systems use the same public NIC. You are prompted to enter a NIC for each system if unique NICs are used.

  3. Enter the virtual IP address to be used by Cluster Manager:
      Enter the Virtual IP address for Cluster Manager: [b,?]
  4. You can confirm the default netmask, or enter another:
      Enter the netmask for IP [b,?] (
  5. Enter the NetworkHosts IP addresses, separated by spaces, for checking the connections.
      Enter the NetworkHosts IP addresses, separated by spaces: [b,?]
  6. The installer prompts you to verify Cluster Manager information:
      Cluster Manager (Web Console) verification:
          NIC: lan0
      Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y) 

    • If the information is not correct, answer "n." The installer prompts you to enter the information again.
    • If the information is correct, press Return.

Configuring SMTP Email Notification

  1. The installation program describes the information required to configure the SMTP notification feature of VCS:
      The following information is required to configure SMTP

        The domain-based hostname of the SMTP server
        The email address of each SMTP recipient
        A minimum severity level of messages to send to each recipient

      Do you want to configure SMTP notification? [y,n,q] (y) y

    You can enter "n" and skip configuring SMTP notification. The program advances you to the screen enabling you to configure SNMP notification (see step 28).

  2. Respond to the prompts and provide information to configure SMTP notification.
      Enter the domain-based hostname of the SMTP server
       (example: [b,?]
      Enter the full email address of the SMTP recipient
       (example: [b,?]
      Enter the minimum severity of events for which mail should be
       sent to  [I=Information, W=Warning,
       E=Error, S=SevereError]: [b,?] w
      Would you like to add another SMTP recipient? [y,n,q,b] (n) y
      Enter the full email address of the SMTP recipient
       (example: [b,?]
      Enter the minimum severity of events for which mail should be
       sent to  [I=Information, W=Warning,
       E=Error, S=SevereError]: [b,?] E
      Would you like to add another SMTP recipient? [y,n,q,b] (n) 
  3. The installer prompts you to verify the SMTP notification information:
      SMTP Address:
      Recipient: receives email for Warning or
        higher events
      Recipient: receives email for Error or
        higher events
      Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y)

    • If the information is not correct, answer "n." The installer prompts you to enter the information again.
    • If the information is correct, press Return.

Configuring SNMP Trap Notification

  1. The installation program describes the information required to configure the SNMP notification feature of VCS:
       System names of SNMP consoles to receive VCS trap messages
       SNMP trap daemon port numbers for each console
       A minimum severity level of messages to send to each console

      Do you want to configure SNMP notification? [y,n,q] (y)

    You can enter "n" and skip configuring SNMP notification. The program advances you to the screen enabling you to configure the Global Cluster option.

  2. Respond to the prompts and provide information to configure SNMP trap notification:
      Enter the SNMP trap daemon port: [b,?] (162)
      Enter the SNMP console system name: [b,?] saturn
      Enter the minimum severity of events for which SNMP traps should
       be sent to saturn [I=Information, W=Warning, E=Error,
       S=SevereError]: [b,?] E
      Would you like to add another SNMP console? [y,n,q,b] (n) y
      Enter the SNMP console system name: [b,?] jupiter
      Enter the minimum severity of events for which SNMP traps should
       be sent to jupiter [I=Information, W=Warning, E=Error,
       S=SevereError]: [b,?] S
      Would you like to add another SNMP console? [y,n,q,b] (n) 
  3. The installer prompts you to verify the SNMP trap notification information:
      SNMP Port: 162
      Console: saturn receives SNMP traps for Error or higher events
      Console: jupiter receives SNMP traps for SevereError or higher

      Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y)

    • If the information is not correct, answer "n." The installer prompts you to enter the information again.
    • If the information is correct, press Return.

Configuring the Global Cluster Option

  1. The installation program describes the information required to configure the Global Cluster option of VCS:
      The following is required to configure the Global Cluster Option:
       A public NIC used by each system in the cluster
       A Virtual IP address and netmask

      The Virtual IP address and NIC may be the same as those
      configured for Cluster Manager (Web Console)

      Do you want to configure the Global Cluster Option? [y,n,q]

    You can enter "n" and skip configuring the Global Cluster Option. The installation program starts installation of the packages; see step 34.

  2. Respond to the prompts and provide information to configure the Global Cluster option. As the prompts suggest, you can use the same virtual IP address and netmask used by Cluster Manager:
      Enter the Virtual IP address for Global Cluster Manager: [b,?]

    Press return to accept the default, which is the virtual IP address, NIC, and netmask used by Cluster Manager (see step 24). If you enter another IP address, the installer prompts you for a NIC and value for the netmask.

  3. The installer prompts you to verify the configuration of the Global Cluster option:
      Global Cluster Option configuration verification:
          NIC: lan0

      Matching Cluster Manager (Web Console) Virtual IP configuration

      Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y)

    • If the information is not correct, answer "n." The installer prompts you to enter the information again.
    • If the information is correct, press Return.

Installing the VCS Packages

  1. After you have verified that the information for the Global Cluster option you have entered is correct, the installation program begins installing by prompting you to indicate whether you want to install the packages consecutively or simultaneously.
      VCS packages can be installed on systems consecutively or
      simultaneously. Installing packages on systems consecutively
      takes more time but allows for better error handling.

    By default, installation occurs on systems simultaneously.

      Would you like to install Cluster Server packages on all 
      systems simultaneously? [y,n,q,?] (y) y
      Installing Cluster Server 4.1 on all systems simultaneously:
       Installing VRTSperl 4.1.11 on north .........Done 1 of 30 steps
       Installing VRTSperl 4.1.11 on south .........Done 2 of 30 steps
       Copying VRTSat.tar.gz to south ............. Done 3 of 54 steps
       Installing VRTSat on north ......... Done 4 of 54 steps
       Installing VRTSllt 4.1 on north............. Done 5 of 30 steps
       Installing VRTSgab 4.1 on north............. Done 6 of 30 steps
       Installing VRTSgab 4.1 on south............. Done 7 of 30 steps
       Installing VRTSat on south ......... Done 8 of 54 steps
       Installing VRTSllt 4.1 on south............. Done 9 of 30 steps
       Installing VRTSvxfen 4.1 on north ..........Done 10 of 30 steps
       Installing VRTSvcsag 4.1 on north.......... Done 11 of 30 steps
       Installing VRTSvcs 4.1 on north............ Done 12 of 30 steps
       Installing VRTSvcs 4.1 on south............ Done 13 of 30 steps
       Installing VRTSvxfen 4.1 on south ..........Done 14 of 30 steps
       Installing VRTSvcsag 4.1 on south.......... Done 15 of 30 steps
       Installing VRTSvcsmg 4.1 on north.......... Done 16 of 30 steps
       Installing VRTSvcsmg 4.1 on south.......... Done 17 of 30 steps
       Installing VRTSvcsmn 4.1 on north.......... Done 18 of 30 steps
       Installing VRTSweb 4.1 on south............ Done 24 of 30 steps
       Installing VRTScssim 4.1 on north ..........Done 25 of 30 steps
       Installing VRTSvcsw 4.1 on north........... Done 26 of 30 steps
       Installing VRTScscm 4.3 on north........... Done 27 of 30 steps
       Installing VRTScssim 4.1 on south ..........Done 28 of 30 steps
       Installing VRTSvcsw 4.1 on south........... Done 29 of 30 steps
       Installing VRTScscm 4.3 on south........... Done 30 of 30 steps
      Cluster Server installation completed successfully.
      Press [Return] to continue:

Creating VCS Configuration Files

  1. The installation program continues by creating configuration files and copying them to each system:
       Creating Cluster Server configuration files ............ Done
       Copying configuration files to north.................... Done
       Copying configuration files to south.................... Done
      Cluster Server configured successfully.

Starting VCS

  1. You can now start VCS and its components on each system:
      Do you want to start Cluster Server processes now? [y,n,q] (y)
      Starting Cluster Server:
       Starting LLT on north .............................. Started
       Starting LLT on south .............................. Started
       Starting GAB on north .............................. Started
       Starting GAB on south .............................. Started
       Starting Cluster Server on north ................... Started
       Starting Cluster Server on south ................... Started
       Confirming Cluster Server startup ........ 2 systems RUNNING
    Cluster Server was started successfully.
    Press [Return] to continue:
  2. When Cluster Server 4.1 installation completes successfully, the installation program displays the following messages:
    Installation of Cluster Server 4.1 has completed successfully.
      The installation summary is saved at:
      The installvcs log is saved at:
      The installation response file is saved at:

    These files provide useful information that can assist you with this and future installations:

    • The "summary" file lists packages installed on each system, describes the cluster and its configured resources, and provides information for managing the cluster.
    • The "log" file details the entire installation.
    • The "response" file contains configuration information that can be used to perform secure or unattended installations on other systems (see Example Response File).

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Installation Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation