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Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Agent Developer's Guide   

Data Structures

// Values for the state of a resource - returned by the
// monitor entry point.
enum VCSAgResState {
  VCSAgResOffline,      // Resource is offline.
  VCSAgResOnline,      // Resource is online.
  VCSAgResUnknown      // Resource is neither online nor offline.
// Values for the reason why the clean entry point
// is called.
enum VCSAgWhyClean {
  VCSAgCleanOfflineHung,  // offline entry point did
              // not complete within the
                // expected time.
  VCSAgCleanOfflineIneffective,     // offline entry point
                      // was ineffective.
  VCSAgCleanOnlineHung,         // online entry point did
                  // not complete within the
                 // expected time.
  VCSAgCleanOnlineIneffective,   // online entry point
                           // was ineffective.
  VCSAgCleanUnexpectedOffline,   // the resource became
                     // offline unexpectedly.
  VCSAgCleanMonitorHung   // monitor entry point did
                // not complete within the
               // expected time.
// Structure used to register the entry points.
typedef struct {
  void (*open)(const char *res_name, void **attr_val);
  void (*close)(const char *res_name, void **attr_val);
  VCSAgResState (*monitor)(const char *res_name,
      void **attr_val, int, *conf_level);
  unsigned int (*online)(const char *res_name,
            void **attr_val);
  unsigned int (*offline)(const char *res_name,
           void **attr_val);
  unsigned int (*action) (const char *res_name, const char 
     *action_token, void **attr_val, char **action_args, 
     char *action_output);
  unsigned int (*info) (const char *res_name, VCSAgResInfoOp
       resinfo_op, void **attr_val, char **info_output, char
       ***opt_update_args, char ***opt_add_args);
  void (*attr_changed)(const char *res_name,
    const char *changed_res_name, const char
    *changed_attr_name, void **new_val);
  unsigned int (*clean)(const char *res_name,
    VCSAgWhyClean reason, void **attr_val);
  void (*shutdown) ();
} VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct;

The structure VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct consists of function pointers, one for each VCS entry point except VCSAgStartup. The VCSAgStartup entry point is called by name, and therefore must be implemented using C++ and named VCSAgStartup.

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Agent Developer's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation