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Product: Storage Foundation Cluster File System Guides   
Manual: Cluster File System 4.1 Installation and Administration Guide   

Installation Issues

If you encounter any issues installing SFCFS/SFCFS HA, refer to the following paragraphs for typical problems and their solutions.

Incorrect Permissions for Root on Remote System

The permissions are inappropriate. Make sure you have remote root access permission on each system to which you are installing.

  Checking communication with system01 ................. FAILED
Remote remsh/rcp permissions not available on: system01 
Correct permissions and continue
Continue? [Y/N] :

Suggested solution: add a line in the file /.rhosts giving root access to the system running the install program. A "+" character in the first line of /.rhosts will permit any remote host to access the system.

Note   Note    Remove remote shell permissions after completing the SFCFS/SFCFS HA installation and configuration.

Resource Temporarily Unavailable

If the installation fails with the following error message on the console:

 fork() failed: Resource temporarily unavailable

The value of HP-UX nkthread tunable parameter nay not be large enough. The nkthread tunable requires a minimum value of 600 on all systems in the cluster. To determine the current value of nkthread, enter:

 # kctune –q nkthread

If necessary, you can change the value of nkthread using the SAM (System Administration Manager) interface, or by running the kctune command. If you change the value of nkthread, the kernel must be rebuilt for the new value to take effect. It is easier to change the value using SAM because there is an option to process the new kernel immediately. See the kctune(1M) and sam(1M) manual pages for more information on tuning kernel parameters.

Inaccessible System

  • The system you specified is not accessible. This could be for a variety of reasons, such as, the system name was entered incorrectly or the system is not available over the network.

  •   Checking communication with system01 ................. FAILED
      System not accessible : system01 
    Suggested solution: verify that you entered the system name correctly; use the ping(1M) command to verify the accessibility of the host.
  • If a system cannot access the software source depot, either swagentd is not running on the target system or the swlist command cannot see the source depot.

  •   Correct /etc/{hosts, nsswitch.conf} and continue from here
      Continue? [Y/N] :
    Suggested solutions: check that swagentd is running. Check whether there is an entry for the target system in /etc/hosts. If there is no entry, then ensure the hosts file is not the primary lookup for the "hosts" entry.

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Product: Storage Foundation Cluster File System Guides  
Manual: Cluster File System 4.1 Installation and Administration Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation