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Product: Storage Foundation Cluster File System Guides   
Manual: Cluster File System 4.1 Installation and Administration Guide   

Cluster File System Administrative Interface

The CFS administrative interface provides an easy and convenient way to create resources required for CFS with the correct attributes and the correct links between them.

CFS Resource Management Commands

As many as five VCS agents are required to manage cluster file system functionality. Each of these resources has several attributes and dependencies between them. To make resources easier to manage, five CFS administrative commands are provided. It is advisable to use only these commands to manage cluster file systems. The commands are:

  • cfscluster---cluster configuration command
  • cfsmntadm---adds, deletes, modifies, and sets policy on cluster mounted file systems
  • cfsdgadm---adds or deletes shared disk groups to/from a cluster configuration
  • cfsmount/cfsumount---mounts/unmounts a cluster file system on a shared volume

The cfscluster Command

The cfscluster command is used primarily to configure and unconfigure CVM and CFS, and can be run from any node in the cluster. VCS must be started before you can run the cfscluster config command. The cfscluster config command adds all the resource type definitions (listed in Resources and Service Groups for File System Cluster Functionality) and adds resource instances, one each of type CVMCluster and CFSfsckd. The cfscluster config command also brings the resources online, and cfscluster status can be used to query the status of VCS.

The cfscluster unconfig command takes resources offline (except CFSMount resources) and removes all the resources and service groups that were used to manage the cluster file system (see the cfscluster(1M) manual page for more information). You must manually take CFSMount resources offline (using the cfsumount command) before executing the cfscluster unconfig command.

The cfsmntadm Command

One CVMVolDg and one CFSMount resource is required to control each cluster mount (see Resources and Service Groups for File System Cluster Functionality). You can use the cfsmntadm add to add these resources. The cfsmntadm command takes mount points, shared volumes, and shared disk groups as arguments. You can optionally specify a service group name. If a service group name is specified, the cfsmntadm command creates a new service group (if the service group is not already present) and makes it dependent on the cvm service group. If no service group name is specified, cfsmntadm add creates a default service group, cfs. The command next adds CVMVolDg to the specified service group and associates it with the specified disk group (if that kind of resource is not already present in the same service group). Subsequently, cfsmntadm add adds a CFSMount resource and links it with the CVMVolDg resource, then sets the appropriate values to the resource attributes. It is advisable to add all the mount points (that have their device in the same shared disk group) to the same service group.

Using cfsmntadm, you can also add file system snapshots and Storage Checkpoints; delete, display, and modify resources; and set the primary election policy on a cluster mounted file system (see the cfsmntadm(1M) manual page for more information).

The cfsdgadm Command

The cfsdgadm command is the administrative interface for shared disk groups. Using cfsdgadm, you can add a shared disk group to a cluster configuration, delete a shared disk group, modify the activation mode, or display the shared disk group's configuration information. A shared disk group must already exist before being specified with cfsdgadm (see the cfsdgadm(1M) manual page for more information).

The cfsmount/cfsumount Command

The cfsmount command mounts a cluster file system on a shared volume on one or more nodes. If no nodes are specified, the cluster file system is mounted on all associated nodes in the cluster. The cluster mount instance for the shared volume must be previously defined by the cfsmntadm add command before running cfsmount. The cfsumount command unmounts one or more shared volumes (see the cfsmount(1M) manual page for more information).

CFS Service Groups and Resource Dependencies

CFS Service Groups and Resource Dependencies

Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

Example File

include ""
include ""
include ""

cluster cfs_cluster (
 UserNames = { admin = HMNfMHmJNiNNlVNhMK }
 Administrators = { admin }
 CredRenewFrequency = 0
 HacliUserLevel = COMMANDROOT
 CounterInterval = 5

system system01 (

system system02 (

group cvm (
 SystemList = { system01 = 0, system02 = 1 }
 AutoFailOver = 0
 Parallel = 1
 AutoStartList = { system01, system02 }

 CFSfsckd vxfsckd (
  ActivationMode @system01 = { cfsdg = off }
  ActivationMode @system02 = { cfsdg = off }

 CVMCluster cvm_clus (
  CVMClustName = omcluster
  CVMNodeId = { system01 = 0, system02 = 1 }
  CVMTransport = gab
  CVMTimeout = 200

 CVMVxconfigd cvm_vxconfigd (
  Critical = 0
  CVMVxconfigdArgs = { syslog }

 cvm_clus requires cvm_vxconfigd
 vxfsckd requires cvm_clus

 // resource dependency tree
 // group cvm
 // {
 // CFSfsckd vxfsckd
 //     {
 //     CVMCluster cvm_clus
 //         {
 //         CVMVxconfigd cvm_vxconfigd
 //         }
 //     }
 // }

group vrts_vea_cfs_int_cfsmount1 (
 SystemList = { system01 = 0, system02 = 1 }
 AutoFailOver = 0
 Parallel = 1
 AutoStartList = { system01, system02 }

 CFSMount cfsmount1 (
  Critical = 0
  MountPoint = "/mnt0"
  BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/cfsdg/vol1"
  NodeList = { system01 , system02 }
  RemountRes @system01 = DONE
  RemountRes @system02 = DONE

 CVMVolDg cvmvoldg1 (
  Critical = 0
  CVMDiskGroup = cfsdg
  CVMActivation @system01 = off
  CVMActivation @system02 = off

 requires group cvm online local firm
 cfsmount1 requires cvmvoldg1

 // resource dependency tree
 // group vrts_vea_cfs_int_cfsmount1
 // {
 // CFSMount cfsmount1
 //     {
 //     CVMVolDg cvmvoldg1
 //     }
 // }

Example File

type CVMCluster (
 static int NumThreads = 1
 static int OnlineRetryLimit = 2
 static int OnlineTimeout = 400
static str ArgList[] = { CVMTransport, CVMClustName, CVMNodeAddr, CVMNodeId, PortConfigd, PortKmsgd, CVMTimeout }
 str CVMClustName
 str CVMNodeAddr{}
 str CVMNodeId{}
 str CVMTransport
 int PortConfigd
 int PortKmsgd
 int CVMTimeout

type CVMVolDg (
 static keylist RegList = { CVMActivation }
 static str ArgList[] = { CVMDiskGroup, CVMVolume, CVMActivation }
 str CVMDiskGroup
 keylist CVMVolume
 str CVMActivation
 temp int voldg_stat

type CVMVxconfigd (
 static int FaultOnMonitorTimeouts = 2
 static int RestartLimit = 5
 static str ArgList[] = { CVMVxconfigdArgs }
 static str Operations = OnOnly
 keylist CVMVxconfigdArgs

Example File

type CFSMount (
static keylist RegList = { MountOpt, Policy, NodeList, ForceOff, SetPrimary }
 static int FaultOnMonitorTimeouts = 1
 static int OnlineRetryLimit = 16
 static int OnlineWaitLimit = 1
 static str ArgList[] = { MountPoint, BlockDevice, MountOpt }
 str MountPoint
 str MountType
 str BlockDevice
 str MountOpt
 keylist NodeList
 keylist Policy
 temp str Primary
 str SetPrimary
 str RemountRes
 str ForceOff

type CFSfsckd (
 static int RestartLimit = 1
 str ActivationMode{}
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Product: Storage Foundation Cluster File System Guides  
Manual: Cluster File System 4.1 Installation and Administration Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation