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Product: Storage Foundation Cluster File System Guides   
Manual: Cluster File System 4.1 Installation and Administration Guide   

Configuring the Components

This sections describes the configuration of SFCFS/SFCFS HA components.

  To configure the components

  1. Log in as superuser.
  2. Run the installer command to install the SFCFS HA. For example:
                # cd /dvdrom
       # ./installer
  3. From the Installation menu, choose the C option for Configuration and select the VERITAS Storage Foundation Cluster File System.
  4. Enter one or more system names to configure SFCFS. For example:
    Enter the system names separted by spaces on which to configure
    SFCFS: system01 system02


      Initial system check completed successfully.
      Press [Return] to continue:
  5. After the system check completes successfully, press Return to continue.
  6. After the SFCFS license verification completes successfully, press Return to continue.
      Do you want to stop SFCFS processes? [y,n,q] (y)
  7. Enter y to stop the SFCFS processes. You are prompted configuration information.
    installer will now ask sets of SFCFS configuration-related

    When a [b] is presented after a question, 'b' may be entered to go
    back to the first question of the configuration set.

    When a [?] is presented after a question, '?' may be entered for
    help or additional information about the question.

    Following each set of questions, the information you have entered
    will be presented for confirmation. To repeat the set of
    questions and correct any previous errors, enter 'n' at the
    confirmation prompt.

    No configuration changes are made to the systems until all
    configuration questions are completed and confirmed.
  8. Press Return to continue. Only for SFCFS HA configuration, you are prompted Configuration for Cluster Manager, SMTP and SNMP.
      Enter the unique cluster name: [?] 
      Enter the unique Cluster ID number between 0-255: [b,?] 
    Enter the NIC for the first private heartbeat link on system01:

    Would you like to configure a second private heartbeat link?
    [y,n,q,b,?] (y)

      Enter the NIC for the low priority heartbeat link on hpslia05: 
      [b,?] (lan0)
    Are you using the same NICs for private heartbeat links on all
    systems? [y,n,q,b,?] (y)

      Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y)
  9. Answer the prompts to configure VCS for SFCFS. You are prompted to enter the CVM cluster reconfiguration timeout.
    Enter Cluster Volume Manager cluster reconfiguration timeout
    (sec): (200)
  10. Enter CVM cluster reconfiguration timeout in seconds. You are prompted to set up the enclosure-based naming scheme.
    Do you want to set up the enclosure-based naming scheme?
    [y,n,q,?] (n)
  11. Enter y or n for the set up of enclosure-based naming scheme.
  12. After SFCFS configures successfully, press Return to continue.
    Do you want to start Storage Foundation Cluster File System
    processes now? [y,n,q] (y)
  13. Enter y to start SFCFS processes.
  14. After done with starting vxfen on target systems, press Return to continue.
    Note   Note    To verify the CFS configuration, enter hastatus on any system in cluster and verify that the service groups are ONLINE.

    Do you want to set up the default disk group for each system?
    [y,n,q,?] (y)
  15. Enter y or n to set up a default disk group for each system.
  16. Enter y or n to specify one disk group name for all eligible systems. You are prompted to specify a default disk group.
    Specify a default disk group for all systems or type 'l' to
    display a listing of existing disk group(s). [?]
  17. Enter a specific default disk group for all systems or enter l to list the existing disk groups.
      Is this correct? [y,n,q] (y)
  18. Enter y, if this is correct.
  19. After the Storage Foundation Cluster File System starts successfully, press Return to continue.
  20. After pressing Return to continue, verify that you received the following:
    Configuration of Storage Foundation Cluster File System 4.1 has
    completed successfully.
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Product: Storage Foundation Cluster File System Guides  
Manual: Cluster File System 4.1 Installation and Administration Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation