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Product: Oracle Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



edgetmsg2 - VERITAS Storage Foundation for Databases utility for managing message log files


The edgetmsg2 utility is located in the following directories:
For Oracle: /opt/VRTSdbed/bin/edgetmsg2
For DB2: /opt/VRTSdb2ed/bin/edgetmsg2
For Sybase: /opt/VRTSsybed/bin/edgetmsg2
For Oracle, DB2, and Sybase, the command usage is:
edgetmsg2 -h
edgetmsg2 [-s set_num] [-M msgid[:severity]]
[-f msg_catalog] [-v severity]

[-p] [-m value] ["default format string" [args]]
edgetmsg2 -o list[,suppress_time]
[-S ORACLE_SID] | [[-I db2instance] -D db2database]

| [-S DSQUERY] | [-f logfile]
[ -v severity] [-t from_time,to_time]
edgetmsg2 -o report[,no_archive] [-f log_directory]
edgetmsg2 -o switchlog -S ORACLE_SID | [-I db2instance]
-D db2database | -S DSQUERY

edgetmsg2 -o checkerror -f logfile [-v severity]


This utility is part of VERITAS Storage Foundation for Databases.


The edgetmsg2 utility is used to manage message log files for Storage Foundation for Oracle, Storage Foundation for DB2, and Storage Foundation for Sybase. The edgetmsg2 utility can be used to write a message to a log file or to the console, read the log file and print to the console, and display the available log files. The edgetmsg2 utility is also called by other VERITAS Storage Foundation utilities.

You can use the - o list option to display the content of a log file. You can use the -o report option to display the names of available log files. The -o switchlog, -o checkerror, and -M msgid[:severity] options are used internally only and not by the user.

The edgetmsg2 utility can be used to display messages in the applicable language, provided the message catalog for that language is installed.

By default, VERITAS Storage Foundation for Databases logs error messages as well as emergency, alert, and critical messages. Emergency, alert, and critical messages are displayed on the console.

Message log files are located under /etc/vx/vxdba/logs/sfua_databaseid.log[.][1-4], where databaseid is the ORACLE_SID for Oracle, DB2.instance.database specifies the instance and database for DB2, and DSQUERY specifies the dataserver for Sybase. Archive log files end with .1 through .4. The edgetmsg2 utility keeps one log file and four archive log files for each database. When the size of the log file reaches 5MB, an archive log file is created if the VRTSorgui package is installed. If the VRTSorgui package is not installed, the log file size is not limited to 5MB.

The -o list option will read the log file from the file location above and translate it to the language for the specified locale.

The -o report option is used to report available log files. The output contains start and end times from each of the log files.

The -o switchlog option is reserved for internal use only. When a log file reaches the 5MB size limit, the -o switchlog option automatically creates new log files to accommodate the growing size. It appends .1 through .4 to the names of subsequently created log files.

The -o checkerror option is reserved for internal use only. It returns the first severity code found in a specified log file. It returns 0 if no error is found.

The -M msgid option is also reserved for internal use only. It is used to display and optionally log the message for a given message ID. The message you supply will be used by default if the message ID is not found in the message catalog. The edgetmsg2 utility supports C printf() format string and conversion characters. You must provide the required arguments for every conversion character in the format string.


The following options are supported:


Shows command usage.


Specifies the message catalog set number. The default is 1.

-M msgid[:severity]

Specifies the message ID and severity to be printed.

-f msg_catalog_full_path | log_file | log_directory

Specifies the message catalog path, log file, or log directory.

-v severity

Used to overwrite the minimum log severity or to create a severity filter. The severity values are either (0-8) or (100-108).


Pauses the cursor at the end of a message display. By default, a line feed will be added to each display message. Use the -p option to indicate that no line feed is to be added.

-m value

For internal use only. This option overwrites certain internal settings for the edgetmsg2 utility.

-o list[,supress_time]

Displays the content of a log file. You can specify ,suppress_time to exclude time information in the utility output.

-o report[,no_archive]

Displays the available log files. You can specify ,no_archive to exclude archive log files from the utility output.

-o switchlog

For internal use only. This option will automatically create a new log file when the 5MB size limit for a log file is exceeded. The new log files created are appended with .1 through .4.

-o checkerror

For internal use only. This option returns the first severity code found in a specified log file. It returns 0 if no error is found.

-t "from_time[,to_time]"

Reduces the length of the utility output by specifying the time range to include. This option must be used together with the -o list option. Use the following time format: yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.


Specifies the ORACLE_SID for an Oracle database or DSQUERY for a Sybase dataserver.

-I db2instance

Specifies the DB2 instance.

-D db2database

Specifies the DB2 database.

"default format string"

Specifies the C language printf() format string.


Specifies arguments for the format string conversion characters.


-M msgid[:severity], the print message function in the edgetmsg2 utility, relies on certain environment variables. The environment variables are normally set automatically by VERITAS Storage Foundation for Databases. By default, the command file is named sfua and the log file is named sfua_default.log.


VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle Administrator's Guide
VERITAS Storage Foundation for DB2 Administrator's Guide
VERITAS Storage Foundation for Sybase Administrator's Guide
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Product: Oracle Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation